
Just further proof that America is being PUSSIFIED.

At my old job, I was always tasked with ordering lunch for big meetings because I’m “good at it.” I was the controller.

I’m not sure how my mom’s side of the family voted, but I can guess. My mom is dead, so we don’t talk to her side anymore, but my uncles and aunts have always been against immigrants. I mean, the brown immigrants. If you’re talking about the white ones, like my Italian great-grandfather (who my family puts on the

Well, I can’t prove that my dad ISN’T coming to Thanksgiving 2017, but I could send you a picture of us enjoying the cornbread dressing that we never make because he hates it and prefers Stove Top....

My dad, racism and sexism aside, is just utterly convinced that Trump will bring back the glorious union jobs that all fled overseas. I tried to tell him, over and over, that those jobs - the one where you graduated high school then went to the plant for 30 years for a good wage and a good pension - are GONE. Not

Check in on me in a year or in five years or in ten. I may be a coward, but I didn’t take the decision lightly nor do I plan to go back on it.

“Relax” makes me see red. “Relax” is only appropriate if it’s the triage nurse taking my BP or a massage therapist working out the eternal knot behind my shoulder blade.

He doesn’t listen anyway. He’s of the “I got mine, fuck everyone else” class of blue collar, union worker.

I started doing what the men in the office do: leave the copier jammed up for someone else to fix.

For me, this election is different. This isn’t my dad voting for Romney and then having a measured discussion about tax rates or trade deals or even a sane discussion about women’s rights. This is my dad emailing me vile memes and filth about a woman presidential candidate. This is my dad calling me to yell “we

Education has been a slow, downward spiral, and there’s always been a virulent strain of thinking in this country that learning and intelligence is suspect.

Hey, you’re just TELLING IT LIKE IT IS! Why are your coworkers so UPTIGHT and PC?!? Ugh, PC culture is RUINING THIS COUNTRY.

I burned every bridge with my Trump voting family members yesterday. At first it was scary. Then it felt good.

Yeah, there needs to be a protest through my hometown, driving home the point that a Drumpf presidency isn’t going to bring back those good factory jobs with a good pension (because those jobs don’t exist anymore. Sal can’t get a job at the widget factory pulling a lever because widgets are obsolete and a robot

You mother and mine were similar to a point. Mine was raised in an abusive home and she married and had me young to escape. I give all the kudos in the world to your mum for instilling such great values in you, for wanting a better life for you. Mine always struggled between wanting a better life for me

Yup, I just turned 36. I thought she was pretty cool too, coming off of Barbara Bush and (the few memories I have of) Nancy Reagan. I guess, even as a kid, I couldn’t reconcile the level of hate she got from my family: she was actively working to help children (like me!) and I saw no fucking problem with her

I have no clue. I didn’t even know it was a thing until I moved to Ohio....all my voting in PA was always in an elementary school gym or other public building.

My polling place is a church, so I got to read all the fun Jesus signs while waiting in line. Y’know, things like “Trust in God’s wrath and righteousness” and “Don’t know what you can do - trust what Jesus did.”


Ha, maybe!