
I myself dabble in lesbianism every summer, right around the time the humidity gets high and the hair laying on the back of my neck gets super irritating.

Precisely.....especially the rabid, slavering mobs that go after a celebrity when they dare to date or marry someone.

Hmm....I would have thought that percentage would be higher. My husband’s cousin was just ranting the other day that he has to check on all of his daughter’s TV shows because there are “lesbians in all of them.”

You have to cut Bey some slack. She had too many years where she (and the other Destiny’s Children) were dressed by Miss Tina’s Joann Fabric nightmares.

Hey, that grocery store that used to be the hockey arena is pretty romantic. And maybe he fed her a Nutella crepe from Crepes-a-Go-Go?

This actually makes sense to me.

This is why Trump is completely confusing for me. As if Trump would have a beer with a Joe Blow, blue-collar type....

Can we get a ruling on “totes McGotes?”

The stan culture (and celeb culture in general) is utterly bizarre to me. Maybe I’m an old, but they are just people. They eat, they sleep, they make art or music that I sometimes like....the end.

It appears there IS a limit to her powers.....

Wait, the KKK has titles like “exalted cyclops”? What the everloving hell?

We get a bourbon red every year for Thanksgiving from a local farmer. It is fantastic.

I head over to Drew’s writing three times a year:
1.) When it’s Steelers week for “Why Your NFL Team Sucks”
2.) William Sonoma review
3.) His kids’ Christmas lists review

It’s fine! Everything is fine! <cries quietly to self>

This is my third Mazda, and it runs like a damned top. Closing in on 200K miles, and aside from some cosmetic damage (thanks to a dumbass who side-swiped me), it’s as good a new.

“No puppet! No puppet! YOU’RE the puppet!”

A little bit of 2 and 3.....

I define “the T” as anywhere that only picks up evangelical and country stations on the radio. So yeah, outside Chester and outside Allegheny. :-)

I always felt oddly defensive about him, even as a kid in civics class. Like, yeah, he wasn’t GREAT, but c’mon.....he’s worse than Jackson?

Well, when I say “Western PA,” I mean everyone there drives a Chevy or a Ford. And if you drive a Chevy, you are legally required to have a “Piss on Ford” sticker (and vice versa).