
A little sad not to see Pathfinder 2e on the list.  D&D got praise for being inclusive, something Pathfinder has been for a long time.  Not to mention moving away from “Race” as a character concept in 2018, something D&D just announced they will do in their next iteration.

Seconded. Not that they won’t come back on a new account or use one of their current alternate ones, but at least make it an inconvenience for them to post here.

i’m sure it was a joke albeit a sad one :(    Time is unforgiving. 

AP, CNN, & NYT all called it for Rev. Sen. Warnock last night, and then Mr. Walker did the coast thing and called over to Rev. Warnock to offer his congratulations and best wishes.

I was blissfully unaware of all of these.  You making me aware of them is problematic.

huh... didnt know that was a thing

Just wanted to let you know that I understood the reference, even if so far no one else has. :)

In house call is not an “ugly necessity” in medicine, that’s just what they want residents to believe. It has been shown time and again that it does not improve care, probably doesn’t improve education, and does increase burnout and health problems in residents including suicide risk and risk of traffic accidents on

I don’t disagree with you; Georgia seems particularly “masks off” about the whole thing is all. Walker is so stupid that he's practically beyond parody. 

By my count, I’ve spent about 170 nights at work in my life - not counting the 60 or so when I was a student and paying for the privilege. I did it all in my mid and late 20's when I could handle it better. I do not recommend it for anybody.


Yeah. But it gave him attention, which was his only goal. So I let him win and I don't feel good about that.

I should just dismiss you because you are a troll, but instead I will point out that “Nazi” is neither an historically oppressed minority nor a protected class.

Of course there is.  Supporting creation of a Nazi dictatorship is very important to them.

So where does it end? Spray paint a racial slur on the garage of the only black people in the neighborhood or a swastika on the house of a Jew and you are only guilty of vandalism because charging you with a hate crime is a violation of your freedom of speech?

You are so wrong in so many ways about the Guardians but fine you don’t like it and they made you do it anyway and et gustibus non disputandum est.

Mine is when they watch the classic and say “I’ve seen that trope a dozen times!”

And while it would be easy to dunk on the question to be like “People need to watch more classic movies!” I honestly think it’s the opposite.

Battlestar Galactica’s reboot was a very good show until it dragged religion into the plot, towards the end.

Ugh, that’s the third imposter that I’ve seen the last couple of weeks. What pathetic losers.