Yeah someone ought to randomly fire all the staff at that other blog and replace them with the staff of Defector. And also turn the comments back on at that other blog.
Yeah someone ought to randomly fire all the staff at that other blog and replace them with the staff of Defector. And also turn the comments back on at that other blog.
As first noted by sports blog Defector,
I’ve never been a contributor to Oppo but I have thrown a good chunk of time into another community blog that will also stop existing at the end of November. I am glad that someone at G/O Media cares enough to post about this absolute nonsense and I am glad that someone at G/O Media has fought for the users. Thank you.
#drinkabeer #viralbeermarketingchallenge
Right. Like heck I threw my name into the hat because I honestly have been looking for a valid reason to go to Big Bend National Park. Getting paid to go is a valid reason. But I am not the influencer they are looking for.
@MichelobULTRA check out this
Oh yeah of course I just wanted to be clear that the application process is more than “fill out this form”
You have to fill out the application and also use your social media to tell Michelob Ultra that you are willing to be their corporate goon
I live in California so my blue skies have been extra smoky the past few weeks :-/
It is rather interesting that the Constitution doesn’t say how many people should be on the SCOTUS. If 45 gets to add 3 people in one term then why keep it at 9 people?
Quite right. Heck given the fact that the best-performing minor party candidate leans right the likeliest scenario is that minor party voters helped prevent more states being won by 45.
I’m not willing to throw non-voters or minor party voters onto that list, but if you wish to do so then feel free to extend your righteous anger onto me for voting for minor party candidates in Democratic-majority states.
I’m trying to come up with a list of entities who deserve our righteous anger about this event. Here’s what I have so far.
1 every news organization in 2015-2016 who helped legitimize a destructive campaign
2 entities that are willing to make “a stand for democracy” or whatever now who didn’t bother in ‘16
3 Mitch…
I’m sorry that aec007 chose to vomit in your thread and didn’t have the common decency to clean up their own vomit.
Yeah being that defensive about society (or an aspect of society) is usually a sign of a dangerous amount of closed-mindedness / being stuck in an echo chamber. It’s not particularly healthy but they have my sympathy.
I wandered onto Kotaku in either 2008 or 2009 and I had no idea at that time that reactionary bigots would consider that website to be a focus of their aggression. Like it’s not exactly a radical website? At all? Particularly back then, when it was catering much more to the male gaze? But it promotes a non-bigoted…
Thank you for helping make the Kotaku comments less awful.
My apologies that multiple Kinja commenters showed up to try to make the discussion here awful.
It’s a year later and no comment moderation happened on this article because G/O Media does not incentivize the staff to clean up the bad comments. It’s cool. I don’t blame the staff for not doing more work for less money. G/O Media’s management is terrible and they are treating these websites (and their staff)…