
I think that Sanders occupies a very unique space among the Democratic primaries candidates by being a Democrat in this election but an Independent in his job. Since a good chunk of the Democratic primaries are open or semi-open he is uniquely capable of potentially luring in primary support from non-Democrats. So he

Following his Nevada win Sanders tweeted “I’ve got news for the Republican establishment. I’ve got news for the Democratic establishment. They can’t stop us.”

My only response is [whynotboth.gif]; I think Russia’s government and the Republican Party can both be wanting Sanders to be the nominee for partially different, partially overlapping, reasons.

I agree that the Russian government is interested in creating discord between different political interests that are left-of-center; those kinds of tactics go back into the Soviet era. I also agree that Russia is very aware of the optics of their support. But I also think that Sanders’s foreign policy ideas (and his

Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, and (to a lesser extent, after her huge fundraising numbers after the debate) Elizabeth Warren are running out of cash.

Tune into the Democratic Debate coverage, where brave heroes fearlessly dub women on the internet “Bernie Bros.”

That sounds like something that might get under my skin. It probably should be avoided.

I wonder what it would be like if the G/O Media blogs had a blog that was just about politics, and which could maybe put together some kind of long-read article on this topic.

I will always have utmost respect for Nancy Pelosi for being the first woman in US history to become Speaker of the House; that’s an incredible achievement and she should feel accomplished for it.

I will always have a lot of contempt for Nancy Pelosi for winning Democratic control of the House in 2006 and making it

Deekin Scalesinger, pictured here next to someone’s PC.

Yeah thankfully where he is on this issue in 2020 is a better place than where he was in preceding years.

He changed his position on the first issue early last June, and I don’t know about the second issue.

“I’m the reason why this right [access to legal abortion] wasn’t taken away a long time ago,” Biden said.

I think that analysis sounds good and I’m hopeful that she can improve on where she ended up in Iowa. I guess the only good thing about the Iowa caucuses being so broken is that no one really trusts the results, and New Hampshire will almost be a blank slate.

I’ve been trying to articulate what I said in my 1:55pm comment and I think your first paragraph better covered what I was trying to say. All politicians make mistakes and flub answers to questions about their platform but Warren got less ability to recover. It’s part of the “has to work twice as hard to get half the

Yes. I would state that Senator Sanders is given more freedom to not explain how he plans to achieve his goals than Senator Warren.

I agree that your first sentence is a better way of saying what my comment was trying to say: that Warren’s platform is under a bigger microscope than the more ambitious platforms of other candidates, and that those other candidates are better able to get by without providing answers.

Oddly, this comment of mine got some very weird replies. How very odd. Good thing I know how to use the dismiss button.

I won’t disagree that some sections of Iowa are virulently racist but I think that a random sampling of opinions in both states would yield a higher score on the “Yikes” meter from Illinois.