
Another comment on another thread properly identifies that the loss of the Clinton campaign to the Trump campaign happened because of several reasons, so it’s really tough to say that one thing is “the real issue”.

But you’re entirely right that it is extremely problematic for US democracy that an obvious grifter was

For the benefit of anyone pushing the “her campaign didn’t visit Wisconsin and Michigan and that’s why her campaign lost” meme, here’s a link and here’s another link. Best of luck with learning to move on from comfortable fictions.

It took a perfect storm of bad situations for the electoral college to elect in the worst major party candidate in recent history, and I think your comment identified most of the situations.

Thank you for sharing your opinion.

New rich and old rich will feud with one another on occasion, but when they have the opportunity to align with one another to fight their common enemy (the non-rich), they will get along fine.

That Ellen can wage this fight on television to audience applause is astounding.

Through social media I’ve interacted with a few people in southern New Mexico helping with the refugee crisis and overall I’ve been really proud of how communities buckled down and got to work. Even in situations wherein local, state, and national politicians refused to help.

Fantastic lead photo from El Calvario Methodist Church in wonderful Las Cruces, New Mexico.

Yikes the trolls on this ... article (?) are intense.

I mean it is Splinter...

From watching 2015 and 2016 happen in real time and reading ... a lot about those two years since then, it’s scarily evident that a lot of people just plain failed to do their part in stopping DJT from getting into office. Republican Party officials could have disavowed him from their party. Other GOP primary

The joke was inside of us all along.

The earth has existed for 4.5 billion years. Humans for about 0.04% of that time. 99% of all species that have ever existed are gone forever. New species emerge and old ones that can’t adapt die.

It’s late in my time zone so I’ll check back on this in the morning but for what it’s worth Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House from the start of 2007 until the end of 2010.

Nah I don’t think G/O’s management actually agrees with all of the messages that G/O’s writing staff publishes. e.g. they probably did not agree with this.

As the GOP in control of the House and Senate during parts of the Obama Administration so very blatantly showed.

I’ll accept the compromise position that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is supposed to lead House Democrats and that the Democratic Party (and/or just House Democrats) can indeed choose to oppose the POTUS.

How much does G/O’s management actively approve “everything that gets posted” by G/O’s writing staff?

The primary lesson I’ll always take from Comey’s actions in 2016 was that he was unable to recognize the best way to handle information and the public/news agency release of that information. Just terribly bad at knowing how to publicly talk about a technologically-complex issue and hoping that somehow Americans would

Pelosi, on the other hand, is an elected official whose supposed job is to lead the party that is opposed to Trump.

I think the pragmatic v purity conflict is going to outlive all of us and so it doesn’t surprise me that Splinter can employ people who sometimes insist on pragmatism and sometimes insist on purity. It all depends on what the weather is like that day.