
There are 3 potential reasons why the Trump campaign is deciding to try to make a R run at NM

A very important first step into helping the world pass better climate policies is to get climate-denying politicians out of office.

Like a blog where multiple Kinja users can all contribute?

That’s essentially the point of the Kinja community blogs: to create a blog wherein the community of commenters can write their own blogs.

Oh no, facts.

They (the Kinja engineers) made it smaller.

I remain neutral on this subject matter

Oh wait oops I didn’t notice that The Onion remembered that they used to work for the same company at Jorge Ramos.

There was always this odd tonal disconnect between what Jorge Ramos would write about Venezuela and what the Splinter staff would write about Venezuela. It made for interesting Kinja.

As you said Nights Editors and Weekend Editors, among the G/O Media staff, are the job titles for who works “overtime” hours.

Yeah that’s an artifact from the Gawker Media Group days, wherein writers could get a partial promotion up to editor if they agreed to do a little bit of editorial work in addition to writing.

Congrats on being subtweeted by

Dang this comment is good.

No time for editing, only time for hitting that Publish button.

This is good Kinja

Let’s check on the Twitter version of this article

And of course in any state wherein it is feasible that the state’s electoral votes would otherwise go to the re-election of the criminal enterprise, it makes sense for everyone left of center to rally around the Democratic candidate. All completely understandable given the circumstances we find ourselves in.

Oh wow #cotd