
""Maaldoria's atmosphere is toxic to Martians.""
So thankfully the DEO let them use one of the many, many respirators they owned and he saved the day on Maaldoria.

I liked this episode about 100% more because of Melissa Benoist's Instagram photo on Saturday.

This episode is a better episode of Gotham because when Gotham episodes are low-grade, they are very low-grade. It's not a strong episode of a television series of the 2010s but it's a stronger episode of Gotham for a few reasons
1 characters actually are accomplishing steps towards their goals. In particular the

This sounds correct.

In this episode Selina made a reference to that time that Alfred slapped her so I guess she has grown to forgive him.

This terrifies but overall does not surprise me.

There must be some kind of way out of here
said the calendar girl

::finds that article::
::reads it::
Huh. Well. I've written worse.

"Neil Sedaka songs have played, which may make less sense."
When I heard him playing on the radio I had to look him up and to be brief in an Axis-occupied North America he probably would have been purged. So I don't know if his songs are supposed to be there (IOW it's music from a different timeline) or if it's just an

The confrontation between Gerald and Lennart was the show attempting to talk back to its audience; Gerald is saying that some things are not funny and Lennart is saying that Gerald is not being fair; that there is more to South Park than just being cynical/nihilistic.

I member.

It's all but proven that a lot of alt-righters (like, say, Coulter) just say what they say because they know it grabs attention.

"Okay so on one side we have a candidate who people dislike because she has a long history of people not liking her. And on the other side we have a candidate who people dislike because he spent time and money belittling the President of the United States."
"So she's a Giant Douche and he's a Turd Sandwich! Let's just

Memba when people liked South Park "sticking it to SJWs" about safe spaces and then the President-Elect tweeted that theatres should be safe spaces? I memba.

"I'm wondering if this is partly South Park admitting that they kind of got trolled"

Everything about the Nygma-Kringle-Isabella situation just felt really off-putting to me and that's my quickest summary of how I felt about it.

Isabella was correct, until her death, that Ed would not murder her. That doesn't mean he would never murder her it just meant he did not murder her in the short time they had together.

The hair and costuming on the show has been willing to be unconventional; the show is very willing to say that Gotham City is not a place with a lot of normal events.

That was a good attempt at a comeback, thanks for the chuckle.

Swing and a miss