
I'm sorry I'm not sure what your comment has to do with mine? Seems kind of tangential.

South Park does, on occasion, have a clear and one-sided stance on something. I am unsure how that undoes their much-more-frequent "muddled middle ground" stances? Am I supposed to laud a show (with an oddly larger pop culture soapbox than would be expected) for agreeing with reality that Donald Trump being given

Thank you, also, for your informative response. :-)

Thank you for your informative response. :-)

Day 1 of training to be a liberal is lessons on how to punch yourself and your allies. So, yeah, an AV Club reviewer would write something so silly.

South Park is lazy center-right comedy; it tries to push a narrative that there is no up nor down and therefore "punching down" doesn't exist. Which is basically only a narrative that people in privilege can make.

I'm not a big fan of balogna sandwiches being shoved down my throat but I don't really mind if they're gay or not, unlike Tony Curran who is really worried about gay sandwiches.

"Both Hillary", a reference to how there are two Hillary Clintons who exist somewhat simultaneously in our spacetime.

Dent's actor took a role somewhere else.

1) I will accept this as a totally valid answer.

In re: Q#4: Morena took a break from the show because maternity leave. Because in the real world she and Gordon's actor made a babby together. The show incorporated the real world pregnancy into the mix but had Lee miscarry and leave Gotham City while Gordon rotted in jail for a few months. Because … the show doesn't

Don't taunt me with your false hopes, Internets.

1 Poison Ivy is a fairly long-term Batman character (she was introduced 50 years ago!) and therefore I'm not going to be a comic purist and insist that she must have a particular origin story, because she's had a lot. But I don't think I've ever encountered a version of her character where she was so blatantly … dumb.

He was in this episode and he acted serviceable for a few lines (and I was slowly appreciating his understated performance) but then someone (the director? the actor? the showrunners?) decided he should go ultra-camp again and ruin everything.

Random comments
1 "I just want to punish you", "good to see you with the shield", "i am the law!" = Gotham's writers have no shame about just having Barnes namedrop other intellectual properties
2 Isabella correctly identifies that Oswald loves Ed and wrongly believes that Ed will not murder her and so she is

I loved her hair, L-O-V-E-D it.

I think in Season 1 he didn't quit.

Oh within the Overton window of good defined by this show, yes, it's good. Episodes are still pointless but they're usually connected to the larger plot, which is not something I could say about Season 1.

Yeah I feel like Gotham is willing to do things with camerawork that some other shows are not; they have an interesting approach to how to film some scenes.

This Monday's episode in particular has some segments that were filmed in a manner evocative of Sin City.
Generally I find that this show is okay as long as its creator isn't going around saying silly things.