I don’t think there is anything potential about it being a scam mostly. Yeah they have a program that runs but the perpetual pre-sales and cash for in-game items just stinks.
I don’t think there is anything potential about it being a scam mostly. Yeah they have a program that runs but the perpetual pre-sales and cash for in-game items just stinks.
Over the course of an entire race or just one lap? Not a completely sarcastic question.
You already know the answer to that. I was a fairly early supporter of Star Citizen but it won’t be out any time soon.
You will be able to land on those planets. You may not have an entire planets worth of stuff to do on each planet, but you should be able to land on all of em (eventually).
This and the Corolla Cross are on the Wife’s list (with more to come I am sure). Maybe we add an CX-30 and/or a Forester.
I would replace the Final Fantasy games with Quake 1 and EverQuest. Otherwise I think it is a fun list.
That would be on my short list lol. Maybe not my wife’s, but I like it.
I like the look of the C-HR but it is too small. I have read the long term satisfaction is lacking as well.
I doubt it was necessary at all. People will go to it because it is a crossover. I would be surprised if they gained any sales due to adding “Mustang” to the name.
THAT looks good. I despise the large wheels and rubber band tires. Bah humbug.
I have a family member that wants to give his 13 year old a 400 HP Camaro SS when he gets his license in a few years. THAT is too much power for any teenager on public roads. Probably too much power for most adults too.
Haven’t played the original and this won’t draw me in. Not bashing it, but it’s just not interesting to me. I am old though lol. Hope they do some cool stuff with it.
I usually don’t play betas but I tried D4 and had a good time. I don’t necessarily prefer D2 over D3 or the other way around, so no opinion there. D2 was too long ago. I think there is another beta coming but I will wait for the regular release (probably) and enjoy it as intended.
#2 Even if they could why would they at launch. Make their bagillions first then put it on GamePass (after they purchase Activision/Blizzard).
I didn’t see an auto-equip option but if the item is better it will have a blue up arrow icon on the new item.
I have probably watched this one a hundred times anyway:
The turbo gas motors don’t like towing for hours on end, especially in the heat.
200k EV Scouts per year? That sounds like a pipe dream. Hope it is an affordable world market vehicle.
Just wait. They will find a way to do less.
“poisoning American politics”? As if it isn’t a cesspool of filth now. He is an armature as far as politics go. Stock price manipulation is another issue though.