It is a great looking bike.
It is a great looking bike.
These odd old buses for sale are usually instant CP for me but this looks interesting.
The teeth and backbone will definitely have to come from somewhere else because there isn’t any in DC.
It’s all Van Halen. Can’t believe I missed the Top Jimmy comment though.
I would pick the 392 as well. I am over 50 and would still get myself killed in a Hellcat.
Great article. This is why we come here. We, me at least. Hello from FAR West Texas.
I test drove an 87 Grand slightly damp conditions in metro Atlanta back in the day. That thing was fun as heck. Highway 41 maybe. Been too long.
That would be the value part of the $125k plus selling price. That would be awesome :)
Played the original release version back in the day, bugs and all. I enjoyed it but it probably fascinates me more than it should. Will look into the Unity mod.
Don’t give up your dreams man. Never stop never stopping.
Blah! I sure hope not. Chevy has enough names registered to not need to do that. But so did Ford...
1. Use gloves. I have been so stubborn about this but they can help from dinging your knuckles and possibly get better grip.
Good tips.
I would add:
I doubt it would stand the scrutiny of premeditated. Dude is still a cry baby jerk.
New? The mythical $19,999 Maverick is it.
I thought 36k was the average cost to Tesla to make one of their vehicles. I think the Model 3 is a bit less.
Switching between the two can be a irritating at times. My truck doesn’t have it but my wife’s car does.
Seems like the mechanical part of Subaru’s system would not be in an EV at all. I may have missed where they integrated the hardware..
I thought that would be the case.