William Getz

NP here just because I like the look. Might be fun to tinker with the carbs but I would end up doing an LS swap or similar.

Hope this C2 is better built than the ones we purchased in West Texas about 12 years ago. They looked cool but were forever breaking down. Leaf springs broke on basically all of them. Leaf springs!! They had tons of issues.

My ex has one they she has to feed cash to repair places to even try to diagnose what the issue is before they even get to fix it.

I agree. I use a browser that shuts most of it down so the article is legible, but if I want to respond or star something I have to enable it. Even on a desktop it is a major pita.

So we only address the worst problem? F all the other dead people that died because you didn’t rank their cause of death the worst way to die?

That’s the thing. Tiredness IS impairment. It just isn’t caused my alcohol but it has very similar effects. Alcohol, drugs, tiredness , emotional distress can all impair your ability to drive.

that because most drivers in America don’t turn on their lights when it’s dark” Slight exaggeration? I think the percentage would be much less than 1% of American drivers.

Some (many?) older cars were not designed to coast as the transmission no longer had oil pumped to it while coasting. My Dad said this about my 60 Valiant which was an automatic. I had no reason to not believe it.

Agreed. That front end is too long. The angle in the picture posted doesn’t look so bad but from the side it looks cartoonish.

The Impala SS “Wagon” is close. Probably a Roadmaster before they started swapping stuff out.

Saw one on the road in the late 90s. Unicorn indeed.

I would think if they are satisfied the camper is permanent the GVW could be an issue.

How about all....3? Cooper can stay. He isn’t a politician. 

There would be a crowdfunding project worth supporting!

This completely. The luxury “fast back” suv things perplex me. Why?

I still wonder about Tesla being labeled a luxury vehicle. It has leather seats (maybe). Beyond that I don’t think the EV aspect qualifies as luxury. 

I agree. Citizenship of it’s assembly workforce>where the parts are manufactured or sourced from>everything else. Corporate headquarters location doesn’t matter to me. Do they employ a US workforce? 

You are not wrong. Range will suffer a 50-66% drop in range when towing anything near max capacity (just like their ICE counterparts do when the load is heavy and temperatures aren’t ideal).

The Lightning in the lead pic doesn’t look like it really fits in that garage. But what do I know. As others have said the commercial sales with make or break the Lightning. The luxury segment is just icing.

That isn’t how Wall St looks at it. They view like by the quarter. Immediate profit over everything else.