William Getz

There are actually four rails. The bottom one denotes the location of the lowest part of the chassis.

Best game soundtrack ever for me. I still listen to some of the tracks now. Parallel Dimensions can loop for hours while I work. The game itself is one of the best imo. It may have it’s flaws but few games would draw me in that Quake did. I stayed up all night downloading the share-ware over a 14.4k modem. Good times.

...he would often stress his laws of the seven R’s,” Maier says. “It was always, always do the Right thing for the Right Reason at the Right time with the Right people. [And] you will have no Regrets for the Rest of your life.”

You must have missed the embargo part...

Damnit BMW......

Love these aside from the GM automatics most had.

Probably. Be careful what we wish for, huh?

I actually love the look of these.

And I have a friend that makes $64,978 a week working from home working for Google. 20% labor cost in a restaurant, especially fast food is amazing. Your friend probably owns something with a much higher average ticket than Taco Bell.

This place is going downhill in a hurry. What is with all the sensible choices? Bah.

It isn’t. I agree with you. I was just pointing out we are a long way off from affordable EVs that have sufficient range and charge times.

600 miles of range or 5 minute recharges are a long way off for many of us. For mainstream use that needs to be a sub $30,000 vehicle I think.

Swap in a Toyota 4.5L I6 and drive it forever. Heck keep the existing motor and drive it forever.

My 2001 Tundra concurs. It LOVES gas.

Half-life 2 and Portal 1 and 2 get my attention every few years. Working through HL2 now. Lesser addictions these days would be EverQuest 1 and 2 as well as World of Warcraft. Thousands of hours in those MMos over the last almost 22 years.

Yeah, they have more rules than regular public schools in Texas seem to have. I am sure all of that is “required” for us, but actually seeing it get done may leave one disappointed.

They are supposed to make the students buckle up before moving. There are no alarms (on ours anyway) to let you know a student has unbuckled their seat belt. I doubt anyone is stopping mid trip to check.

Federal funding will do the trick. These types of disasters seem to fade from politician’s memories quickly.

Difficult to claim rigged bids when those buses were terrible.

Ah, that did cross my mind. My bad as they say.