
I went to H2Oi last year. I saw not a single blow out. There likely were a few, but under what circumstances, I don't know. I can only speak from my experience. There's very little empirical data for or against stretched tires. Until then, all we can do it voice our opinions. Mine is for freedom of expression within

Don't like it, don't drive it. Those guys know how ridiculous their cars are, and never go fast enough to put anyone in danger because they know a bump over 40 MPH will screw their fenders.

As a wagon owner, I commend you for your contribution.

I suppose opinions are opinions, but others seem to agree.

No front plate=no problem!

This is so promising for a company that had been swimming in mediocrity for quite sometime, resting on the laurels of their past achievements, being the FD RX-7 and MX-5.

I want to hug Mazda's head of design. This is a gorgeous car.

Know that feeling all too well. When I purchased my '04 S4 just last year, I got critique left and right. Just the fact that I was a college student and I had something with four rings on it was enough for people to jump to conclusions about my financial status. Had they known I worked multiple jobs for years afford

This phenomenon is known as, "The Jeep Grand Wagoneer Effect"

>Comedy film

Here's the real question: will it meet NHRA safety requirements for track use inside a car?

Concept "hype" interior work. It's useless, but pretty, and gets auto journalists salivating at the sight of dimly back-lit writing.

I would not want to be friends with someone who laughs when their friend's car gets damaged. Also, avoid sweeping generalizations. Some people don't stretch tires when they lower their cars. Some tires are also designed with the intent to be stretched to a certain point. I know what you mean when things get

A ton, but it still wouldn't solve world hunger or bring world peace. People will do what they want with their money.

Mystery solved!

You sure can order them without the additional paint accents. The GT has a fantastic interior for the price point as well. Sure, it's a bit dated with the tiny infotainment screen, and the unchanged design they've been using for the past 5-6 years, but dammit, it just feels right.

Wish they had some for the last Aston Martin I went to, though I don't think it would have fit with the whole "Wine Dinner" thing. This seems almost too modern for them— Audi-esque. Then again, they're trying to draw in a "younger" audience with the Vantage GT.

This post was comical in nature, but you are absolutely correct. Many of the deaths and injuries as a result of Motorbike accidents are related to cars either coming in contact with them, or running over them after a riding error. You can attribute this to not only car drivers being dicks, but the inherent


Not sure if I'm dating myself or I just have a funny vocabulary, but "rad" is a rad word, yo.