You know what happened to all the fun cars? Boring people, laws, and the woman from the Simpsons that goes "WON'T SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN," except in real life.
Can you not see the logic I'm trying to present, or Ad Hominem a cop out?
Yes, because we need more cops with an unnecessarily inflated ego and sense of power, and a vehicle that will likely be functionally excessive compared to what is demanded in day-to-day patrol.
Toyota has been making *Reliable* vanilla cars. Not so much with VW, at least historically. Not to mention that Toyota's entire brand revolves around reliability at this point. I'm not sure what VWs marketing says about their cars. It just occupies this space where VW is just, VW. They don't have anything other than…
I'd be inclined to agree, though their recent Camry and Corola have been very daring in exterior design, thought arguably unattractive. The FT-1 is an exhilarating design that does indeed spice the brand up. We shouldn't forget the Gt-86 either.
How can VW get ahead? How about:
You know what else is "...like pretty expensive..."? SPINAL SURGERY.
Pretty sure that guy was kidding. Jokes aside, volume is impossible to tell from a video. Gotta hear it in person to make that judgement.
Slammed Minivan: when you still want the kids to think you're cool when you have kids.
This is— dare I say it— a damn cool design for a SUV/Crossover. It has this angry Gundam/Zoid/Shogun look to the face that I absolutely adore. The non-contrasting wood trim is a much welcomed design choice as well. I would not mind a soccer mom on a cellphone tailgating me in one of these.
Lexus' designs are so inconsistent as of recent. I would even go as far as to say that they're sloppy. Lines don't flow, design proportions are off. I don't think anyone will look back on this generation with admiration or praise for the looks.
People value perceived utility. That's why SUVs sell more than wagons in America. The perceived size, ride height, and safety of such vehicles is attractive to consumers. It's also easier to justify to the wife.
I suppose that is the case! The niche becomes an actual market.
Because niche consumers exist on a large enough scale that creating these impractical beasts can be both profitable and safe for the company. Personally, I like a diverse line up. It makes for a more interesting community of cars!
Blame us Yanks and our blasted Crown Vic platform.
"Kinda looks like a rental car"
I don't know about you guys, but it sounded like the engine noises were coming from the chase vehicle. I think they forgot to mute the clip volume for that part, and that's what we heard. I don't think it was a deliberate placement of engine noise in the clip. Just my two cents.
I'm so happy they went for the S3, double-bar style grille instead of the RS honey-comb grille. The double-bars help the car look less stocky.
Would that qualify as as $kaycog GT Gasm?