
Despicable. If he doesn't get a life sentence, I lose all hope in humanity.

If it's anything like the Cayenne (which it is), the GTS will be the one to purchase (if/when they make it).

Written test passed? Great. Physical test passed? Astounding. This woman, remarkably sane and aware at 97, likely represents a small minority of elderly drivers that are capable of retaining driving privileges. However, I would argue that the vast majority of senior citizens are not capable of passing neither the

Fire's like "F*** THE POLICE"

Yes, yes they are.

PLOT TWIST: button actually summons Sachiel

I thought the exact same thing, especially with the angel name coinciding as well (though different angels).

Less tall, and more wide. I like. That's a sporting character to the grille, and to the overall profile of the concept. I would buy one.

ALL MY WANT. Volvo is turning out some seriously cool concepts.

Every teenage to early-twenties girl across America will want one.

Agreed. Nogaro blue is extremely iconic of the Audi sport line, and the RS2 is where it all began. Gorgeous color from afar, but up close it where it really shines (literally and figuratively). The vibrant cyan sparkle over the base color puts it at another tier of awesome.


Love the concept, but I hate square exhausts. Can't have it all I guess.

That sound is so insanely smooth, it's almost organic. I'm not sure if what I'm hearing is just that silky V12 exhale, or a combination of that and the electric motor singing. A Stradivarius of exhaust notes. Looks, brands, price aside, the sound is undeniably awesome.

One thing is certain: the infotainment system will lead to endless frustration.

The combination of the obnoxiously long exhaust tips and the fact that they're not even connected to the exhaust piping bothers me more than a civic with a fart can. Undoubtedly still sounds better.

I think Matt Farah said this in a review of a Cadillac, but he mentioned that he didn't want a value over the competition, but something better than the competition. I think we're getting there with Cadillac. This is by all means, a step up.

New E-Class? I kinda dig it! More so than the outgoing generation. The front

SLS was the first thing I thought. Definitely the hood shaping and the headlights.

Just my opinion, but there's nothing aesthetically about this car that would make me choose it over any of the german competition, but I think the design is a little more appealing than some of the luxury sedans coming out of Japan these days. Marginally more, but more nonetheless.