
Look, if pre-production art WAS the movie, we’d have amazing, different versions of Alien, Star Wars, Dune, Prometheus, etc.

Threepio claimed R2 was only going to put the tip in....

Well, itf you’re sexually immature, and you haven’t touched other humans beings very much becasue you live in a EM might be weird.

So it’s Virtual Marriage Sex?

WHEN has America ever had it’s “back on the mat”?

Or this way: Disney wasn’t going to throw monwy on “new”. They wanted a sure-thing.

Ya don’t say?

Yoda’s daughter?

“I can’t hold it.”

No one finds bear skeletons, either. Or cougar skeletons.

I thought “priest”.

Yes, you can find bigfoot all the time, but will she go home?


Bigfoot are vampires.

Ummm...”Teenage Tony Stark” will never be a good idea.

Let’s discuss The Conservation of Motion.

I talked to my therapist about it, the rapist as I call her, because, I don’t take the process seriously.

It’s the high point of Jim Starlin’s art. He never did it that well again.

It’s one of the ten best comic stories ever made.

Should start with the Blood Brothers.