This might make SOMEONE look closer at WHO signed his medical release for his last fight.
I’ll paraphrase freely: “He was there to cover up my potential rapes. How am I going to freely rape without him to protect me so I can CARRY A BALL for eight years.”
In fact, those are the parents who “pre-rape” their children before sending them to Baylor.
Ah, yes, the classic “rape-one-and-done” pose.
So you were okay with the railroading of The President for a BJ? I see, you’re a real ‘Merican. Soverign Citizen, too?
Just go away and watch your “bloodsport” of choice: football? soccer?
And............he’s right.
You do know “children” are bags of bacteria, right?
“They are everywhere. .... under the seat of your toilet...”
And a cock assessed at three inches.
Think about this: it used to be worse.
I think he meant “I rape my own daughters...”
Let me tell you, sweet ass motherfu............YAWN.
waitaminute........I thought I was supposed to drug and rape women?
That’s a distinction without a meaning.
Do you have any else to use for toilet paper?
I wanted your figure. Damn rat.
There are literally hundreds of thousands of every figure.