Arctic Fox

thanks for chiming in for an episode you haven't watched then?

if anyone had any doubts that Damon Lindelof was the main reason Lost was so good this episode should put any of that to rest.

I had the same sense of taste with donuts - I had worked at a grocery store chain in high school and constantly ate their bakery donuts - almost every break I had a few so I probably had thousands in the amount of time I worked there. When I came to the city I currently live in - which has a this is the best donut

at this point its interesting that I watch a show in which I hate a majority of the characters and story lines - but I felt this way so often during this show - and who I hate changes - currently don't mind Hannah - love Ray but his story arch is horrible - Shosh is somewhat a part of that story but is she really even

The best was that on this last episode when Trump is on People's Court - President Bannon is seen sitting in the back.

are there others out there that think "what does everyone see in this show - am I missing the good parts?"
Its been hard to get through but people keep saying how great it is - I keep watching because I keep thinking maybe the next episode will be better…

He's that guy.

She nailed that scene in Transparent though. lol

1) This episode was better than a B-. The first hour was very good followed by the hunch bunch which was probably the most average sketch of the night.
2) SNL knew they had to get a new Donald Trump - the impersonation of Trump by Hammond is so dead on accurate that it isn't funny. SNL knew they had to get someone

anyone seen leaving in a row boat will not be seen for a very long time.

The first movie I have ever walked out of - I sat in there watching this movie try so hard to be funny that at 30 minutes I said I couldn't stand another hour of it.
I love movies - never ever have I thought that I would walk out on a movie - and I saw Cloud Atlas, Daredevil, The Astronaut's Wife and Spice World in the

Writer didn't do homework.

I quote the Asian gang line every time someone asked who did something - 20 years later.

I will as well. Dah dah dah dah dah…..

The password….is…nipple

Broderick nails the average guy he needs to play in Cable Guy - there isn't a more average guy in Hollywood.

The Cable Guy is a great film - one of Carey's best. However it was marketed wrong and most people expected the same of Jim Carey because of it. This film needs a setup by marketing to say this is going to be different and because of that it failed itself - however this film continues to grow with audiences and gain

Tommen can have all the babies he wants - won't help him once Bran let's people know who Tommen's father is…Also Gendry (which I assume is the real heir to the throne) rowing a boat…
Also - in terms of the situation - does anyone know who would be King if something happened to Tommen? Would it go to a high ranking

LOL - this writer is bad.

I would agree with this statement - also Arya doesn't follow rules - I bet the writer gets pretty mad when his peers don't follow rules. Wouldn't most people want to get the kind of revenge that the waif seeks - if only I could get that revenge for anyone that microwaves fish in the lunchroom.