Arctic Fox

Has the writer forgotten that the Tyrells are pretty sneaky in the ways of the game - I imagine immediately that Margery has something up her sleeves and am kind of disappointed the writer doesn't even question that…
Maybe Jaime is being sent to River Run because Margery doesn't want him in King's Landing…
And with

"Maybe next time I won't miss!"

I'd take the under on deaths -
Money on Thorne dying and possibly put money on No deaths - only because there seems to be a lot of deaths already.

Gah is a good word for your comment.

I was thinking the same until I realized how well thought out the animation was.

I will save you $18.50 by telling you it's at redbox.

I would think everyone cringes when he keeps saying Hoosiers…

There is not a single American alive in the year 1999 that did not hear that song.
I agree that there are people out there that have never played Mario 3 - or watched Wayne's World - those are things you decide to do or not do - you would have had to live on Mars to not hear 1999 on the radio or TV in the year 1999.

What I am surprised by is your ability to understand how to use a computer.
If someone has a different opinion than mine I respect their opinion - I am not arguing with your opinion - I am simply stating that you are claiming that over the course of your 30 plus years on earth - living I assume in the United States

Here is what I know - You would have had to live in a cave without a stereo, television or any other kind of music playing machine without hearing a Prince song since you were born in the year 1983.
So if you are still claiming you have literally never heard a Prince song then I would assume you also did not drive a

Seriously - you are saying without a doubt you NEVER heard a song by Prince until yesterday - you lived over 30 years without hearing a song by someone that won multiple grammys and an academy award? You lived through the year 1999 without once hearing the song 1999? (this being a song that came out over 15 years

no one on earth believes you first heard a song of his yesterday - you were born in 83. Not thirty years later.

I loved this show and am so sad to see it end. However…if that is how they ended it I'm glad that it's over.

My brother was texting me what was happening and minus just a couple of names it could have been 1998. The only difference was lack of texting in 1998.

So we are to believe that the daughter of the Governor of Illinois, who was just one of the 4 Democratic candidates for the President of the United States of America, can't get into any college she chooses? Seems to me colleges line up at the door for those situations…

Loose Seal?

one thing I have enjoyed about the series compared to the book is the idea of time and fate. Time has a way of messing with the characters trying to stop things from happening - but at the same time it seems like fate still had its way - as in Jake missing Sadie in Maine, seeing her in Dallas and then 2 years later

I personally think the ending sucks to this book. I am hoping they fix it in the show.
The book is masterful and brilliant and then it sucks big time at the end.

You have to think 1,000 years from now some archeologists are going to be mad confused at this random president they don't have much information on.

Not sure I would renew a series after the first episode and the subpar ratings - I would assume a drop in viewing is going to happen… I know I gave up half way through the first ep. Boring…. So boring.