What if you create a new Gmail account and forward all the oldest mails from my main account to the new one.
What if you create a new Gmail account and forward all the oldest mails from my main account to the new one.
I was just talking about this topic with my wife....
My wife, Morgan Fairchild....
Yeah, that’s the ticket!
It seems Apple hasn’t figured out how to keep Siri working while your iPhone is powered off.
A 10.5-minute video isn’t viral.
I guess Wisconsin just didn’t have the “Wessonality” to join the suit.
What is Julia Garner in Ozark, chopped fucking liver?
Man oh man.
Julia Garner’s fucking BRILLIANT rant in the mid-season finale of Ozark is easily in my top 10 TV moments of all time. Easily. Come on now. That scared ME.
(I checked and it ran in April 2022). Starts at 4:06.
So pleased to see Sarah Sherman soar these last few weeks. Equally impressive is the fact that SNL (Lorne Michaels etc.) seem to have found a way to work “Sarah Squirm” and her decidedly non-mainstream comedy sensibilities into this decidedly mainstream comedy show. Comedy is about taking risks, right? Well it’s…
About six months ago my farts stopped smelling. Same frequency, no odor. I finally went to the doctor and he told me to rip one. I did, same deal, I couldn’t smell a thing. Doctor said “well, your ass works. What you need is a checkup on your nose.”
Then he went to write down the name of another doctor but discovered…
I’ve been addicted to K-dramas (and romcoms) for many years now, starting with Rakuten Viki and keeping Netflix solely because of their commitment to the genres. I am not ashamed to say I teared up when, after explaining Parasite to my friends in the days leading up to the Oscars, I then saw it sweep so many…
The thing so few consider that is about to bite me in the ass now is this:
If you buy a house and pay it off before you retire, your monthly costs drop down to taxes, utilities and repairs/upkeep. Not a gigantic monthly rent payment.
Long time ago, Paypal allowed you to create one-time-use credit card numbers for these sorts of payments. They quit doing it. I suppose it was because they were too popular and would run the algorithm out of numbers.
What about the red stains on my soul from my uncles and their shithead MAGA spawn?
Your cast listing shows Seth Meyers as Weekend Update anchor and Don Pardo (who died in 2014) as announcer.
Not sure if it’s still the case but when I took a torn carry-on bag to an American Tourister outlet store to ask how much it would cost to repair it, they gave me a new one right off the sales floor and said they had a lifetime guarantee.
If this post was your idea of fun, you can tell me.
Congratulations! This wins the award for the Dumbest Damn Post in Kinja history. Yes, you’ve won the Hulkie! My goodness, that is a monumental feat. Our judges had only one note for “improvement” — it should have been a slideshow.
I liked the googly eyes sketch. Sarah sold it like a champ. Would have been nice to have others come in, one at a time, with modifications such as a huge artificial smile-mouth or a giant ass.
I thought the bleeding double-Monty-Python-ripoff sketch was the night’s worst.
I liked the googly eyes sketch. Sarah sold it like a champ. Would have been nice to have others come in, one at a time, with modifications such as a huge artificial smile-mouth or a giant ass.
I thought the bleeding double-Monty-Python-ripoff sketch was the night’s worst.