Furtive Glance

What works for me is thinking of that video of Hulk Hogan climbing on top of Bubba the Love Sponge’s wife.

Why would I give the faintest whiff of a shit what a coffee shop barista thinks of me?

If the property is assessed by the government at $1.7 million, then the annual property taxes will be $10,377.17. Of course that’s in Canadian dollars so really $87.50.

(Update: A Patriots flack described the mascot’s condition as “sore.”) 

Alternate: Pull through McDonald’s and ask for a goddamn cup of goddamn coffee for fuck’s sake.

I am excited too! CBS now pay me.

Two things:

This place has been in D.C. for decades. How many times did we shout “GIVE ME A FU KANG EGG ROLL!”

Graduate of the Donald J. Trump University of Management

Now is the time for you to take that “don’t have the guts” comment of yours and shred it. If you really think you’re good enough, go give it a try. Otherwise you’ll regret it forever. That will kill you. Believe me.

Yes, Trump is entering his third year as president, or as I like to call it, Junior Year.

I liked “The Nose” even a little bit more.

Or, as followers of online content mills say colloquially: “They really fucked the Hogan with that one.”


I’ve been there with my group many times and it’s so lovely. The people and the ocean and the views. Our home base has been Tamarindo (Hotel Pasatiempo) but we would go up and down (particularly down) the coast as well — now that Tamarindo has exploded into quite the tourist trap. One year I hired a local driver to

“Tidepods,” Gronk said.

He fell because he didn’t want to complete the full-service blowjob! As it is, his chin is already pregnant.

You know what would be REALLY great for your business? If Lauren’s husband recorded Jeff and Lauren having sex on video and then it somehow leaked out into your hands and you put it online!

Every woman in America would melt with desire if Bezos merely texted over a PDF of his 1040.