Arthur Vincie

Every other job on the list other than admin assistant and (inside) sales is more dangerous than being a cop.

Law enforcement officer jobs are some of the safest in the country.  Stop perpetuating their dumbass propaganda.

Sense8 was incredible. Let me know when another show ends with a big wedding (at the Eiffel Tower!) followed by a pansexual orgy

ALSO quite horny! The destruction of humanity literally due to Giaus not being able to keep his pants on!

I’m surprised Battlestar Galactica isn’t on this list

I’ve always thought that part of the idea was that you are more likely to go walk around once you’ve already overcome the inertia of sitting, even if the standing itself isn’t that much better.

Beat me to it. A tragically underseen and underappreciated film.

Yeah... I know. It’s honestly one of the hardest things you can do professionally - be (forced) out of work, and try to stay positive and hold your value (I have a family member struggling with this right now). Part of the problem is that settling - because life and bills happen - doesn’t feel better...

It’s difficult to fully compare the benefits of each store and their treatment of their employees, but if you’re curious about which company has a better reputation for caring for workers, Costco is where you should shop.”

Even simpler,

I have yet to find a reason to switch from Firefox as my main browser.

The only time I watched Upstream Color I was drunk, I gotta watch it sober sometime.

Crap yeah good call there!

Sorely missing “Window of Opportunity”, Stargate SG-1.

No love for “Primer?”

Somewhat off topic, but I just watched JUPITER ASCENDING last week for the first time and I...kind of loved it? It was ridiculously fun. I know Eddie Redmayne won a Razzie for it but I adored his wacked out Crispin Glover energy.

sure, as soon as i can afford it after i pay for all my medical stuff. someday.

I agree—but even in a city with a high cost of living, making $100K is going to put you above the median income, and you can definitely “live” on that much basically anywhere you want. What that “living” looks like will vary a lot, of course, but even in NYC, most people don’t make nearly that much.

And to add your list:

Scrum Master. Lol. When a company downsizes, the first to go are