Arthur Vincie

Personally, I feel that is just an American problem. There should be no negative “career limiting” consequences for honestly bringing up doubts, but who am I kidding? I have been working in America for 10 years now and the only thing most Americans care about is appearance. Appearing to be intelligent, appearing to be

YES! let’s take the two things you’d fear losing most,  fuse them together and hope for the best!   Maybe tape a copy of your house and car keys to it too?

I work in a lab and there are coworkers who are afraid to say they don’t know how to do something and just try on their own and they always ALWAYS fuck it up. I would 100% prefer if someone can own up to not know how to do something so I can walk them through it or refresh their memory.

I wish, instead of garbage we don’t want, like a rearranged interface or stupid news on the taskbar, Microsoft would focus on coming up with a better OS security system than the endless game of whack-a-mole they have now.

I know Facebook is garbage but sometimes you find diamonds in the sand like someone sharing a picture of Full Metal Jacket in Wall-Mart’s “Patriotic Movies section and it makes it all worthwhile.

Now playing

“His Girl Friday” is the ultimate example of this. One thing I’ve learned is that people who talk very fast, without going “um” and “uh” every 3rd word are smart and confident and better than me. They also, always, have the perfect comeback.

The article didn’t say there were other students in there, so why make that up? And also, if there are other students in the bathroom, how is a shoot-out in the bathroom a good idea?

This was a very Mooving article.  Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

Well, if you want an atmospheric and revisionist western, photographed by Vilmos Zsigmond, in which the lead has an affair with a foreign bordello madame, you can also try McCabe and Mrs. Miller, which was most likely made with a tenth of the budget and actually had a bigger box office than Heaven’s Gate.

I would say “Heaven’s Gate” is one of the most visually exquisite period pieces ever filmed and the only movie I can think of that comes even close to accurately capturing the way that era actually looks in old photographs. Unfortunately, it really is an inert slog of a flick. The script isn’t very compelling and is

Strongly agree.

Saying that your low taxes is more important to you than the genocidal policies of the republican party since at least Nixon’s Vietnam/Cambodia bombings, Reagan/Bush’s Latin American rape and torture regimes, Bush’s War Crimes and Trump’s COVID genocide makes a person someone I don’t want to be around.

Storm is the MVP of the new X-Men period. While the dude bros thought Wolverine was the shit, Storm was my favorite followed by Colossus. (Yes like you I too love this shit.) She put Wolverine in check more than once, became a confidant for Jean Grey/Phoenix, was a mentor to Kitty Pryde and was obviously being groomed

I’m Gen-X and was left alone by myself or with another kid my age often so that my mom could work. I was also around 8. 

Well, I for one am inspired by all of the commenters here who have never made a dumb mistake in their lives. You are all true geniuses, and better people than me, because dog knows I have made some DUMB mistakes in my life. Dumb dee dumb dummy dumb dumbass mistakes. Truly, I am in awe.

I saw a short video on YouTube by Daily Gist where it was removed. Seeing a Black surgeon carefully and tenderly attending to a Black woman’s hair and scalp moved me to tears. I was certain her hair was done. He found a way to resolve the problem while preserving what was important to her. It reminded me of the sister

I mean, right?! I’m so happy for this chick and her head!! And thank God for a doctor that likes a challenge and is Up For It! I truly hope she just babies her hair and scalp with nothing but neutral shampoos and conditioners and a smooth, brushed to the back protective hairstyle to give herself a period of rest and

You could’ve just typed “don’t take my racist treasonous ass seriously” and it would've been much more efficient. 

How can we ignore the 800lb gorilla in the room, which is:

Your inability to notice armed rioters looting the Capitol building, planting explosives, and beating a police officer to death with a fire extinguisher, while committing domestic terrorism in the cause of overturning the lawful election of someone they didn’t like, is emblematic of how “it’s not bad when white people