Arthur Vincie

I liked Primer okay but I felt like Upstream Color was a far better movie in so many ways. I also really dug They Look Like People which straddles the line between horror and sci-fi, and definitely messes with your head in the same way other films on this list do.

Another film that’s not mentioned enough anymore is The

No mention of “We’re No Angels” (1955, forget the risible 1989 version directed by the othewise awesome Neil Jordan)? Bogart, Joan Bennett and Peter Ustinov, directed by Michael Curtiz.

Speaking of Neil Jordan, “The Butcher Boy” (with a cameo of Sinead O’Connor playing Mary) and “Breakfast on Pluto” are both quite

All relationships (friend, familial, romantic) in NYC are real-estate based, as are nearly all decisions, like “we’ve been dating for a year and we have two astronomical rents. If we move in we’ll have more money and less commuting, even though we’re not sure it’s a good idea.

Or, “I broke up with (x) last year but

I just watch the scene in the Patriot where Mel Gibson and two of his kids go full apeshit on 20 Redcoats, and I can feel my Irish-descended blood saying “Yes” with every tomahawk hit. The rest of the film is at times compelling (the fact that he spends the first 40 minutes arguing against the war is interesting). The

What? Super Mario Brothers is amazing. Dennis Hopper! Good chemistry between the Luigis! The power of cocaine! It’s all there!

Sunshine was incompetence porn. Just about every single dumb decision is compounded by people making even further dumb decisions.

“We can manuever the ships to park to the other one except we can’t get it closer at the moment we need to the most.”

“We only have enough oxygen for x ppl. Oh let’s not consider that we’re

If there’s another student in the restroom, clearly the answer isn’t to start a shoot out in a confined space where - surprise - bullets don’ always go where they’re intended (as evidenced by the cop shooting himself). Could’ve ended up in the other kid.

Every day, high school principals, teachers, guidance counselors,

Ohio is a Stand Your Ground State. Which means that she may have been within her rights to respond to a life-threatening situation with deadly force. You heard that correctly. That’s how the law is written. Officer McShooty may have shot the only person who was actually following the law.

But I guess like most laws

What is the correct strategy when the child is a man-baby like, say, a certain Senator Crud Tez and his besties Grahamcracker and Turtle? Can we send them to the time-out room when the get cranky and shit all over us?

“The current state of immigration policy” - you mean putting people into concentration camps on the border or sending them back into harm’s way?

“$15/hr minimum wage” - you mean a situation where people may have decide between medicine, food or rent EVERY GODDAMN DAY because they can’t earn a living wage?


Hey now, have you listened to Rhiannon Giddens?

Some of the comments here... wow people have no sympathy. It’s a terrible mistake, but that’s all it is. People who are smart in other areas of their lives have all made this class of mistake.

Maybe if she’d been allowed to wear her hair naturally at work this wouldn’t have happened.

Maybe if we didn’t have out of

False equivalence is quite a drug.  Step away from whatever “news” source you’ve been following.

That’s true. But even before that started, they’d basically doomed the company. Eddie Lampert and his ghouls saddled the company with so much debt they didn’t need that the knock-off business was just an extra hustle - like when Tony Soprano decides to take the copper pipes out of a set of houses he’s already decided

If it makes you feel any better, your accounting of Sears is 100%. Basically LBOs are the sophisticated equivalent of Goodfellas’ “fuck you pay me” scheme. Defund the company, scrape out the shell, light a match. 

About some issues, yes absolutely it’s worth getting out of the bubble. But when the other side is either actively racist and fascist or is comfortable supporting it, how much common ground do you think we have?  I honestly don’t care if they want clean air and water, if they’re really just wanting it for themselves

Sadly, at the critical moment when digital VFX artists were emerging as a new trade within the industry, they didn’t unionize. This isn’t to blame them, because this is a persistent pattern in professions, particularly since the 1980s (my mother freelanced at newspapers & ad agencies at the time and watched the union

Basically Cohn + Goldwater + the Kochs’ piggy bank + Friedman-onomics = the GOP today.

Wut? Nonsense, business owners generously decided to keep 9 year olds from working in factories after the ghosts of Christmas came to them in their dreams. Unions had nothing to do with it.

If only there was some kind organizational model, some way for workers to stand together and push for better working conditions... I know it’s called something...