Arthur Vincie

My boomer mom kept getting laid off with every recession - 75, 80, 81, 91 (which took her small business with it), 2000 (plus 9/11), and 08, and between that and lack of health insurance for most of that time, a couple of really bad injuries, being a single mom, taking care of her mother when she got very old (which

Oh yeah, early-ish GenXers mostly managed to get degrees without the crazy amounts of student loan debt that Millenials have been shackled with (mine wasn’t great but it was manageable), and some of us were able to get a bit ahead between the ‘91 and ‘00 recessions. Millennials didn’t get any kind of break at all.


GenXer here. I just stare at my credit card debt, my absolute lack of assets, and go “I guess I’ll be working until I’m 80.”

GenXers look at their bank accounts after taking care of their kids and their parents, get depressed. Millenials look at their student loan debt, get angry. GenZ is like “we’re not going to live to retirement,” hopefully start making Molotov cocktails.

I remember when he said he was making Aliens... folks were like “why is he following up on a perfect horror movie? This is going to be terrible.” Terminator 2 “now he’s just copying himself, Arnie is getting old, this is going to be terrible.” Titanic... “this is going to be terrible.” Avatar... “blue people in 3D?

It’s funny you think that everyone in the neighborhood knows who killed that kid. You’re basically assuming the neighborhood is in on it somehow. Just keep talking sh*t, racist.

Stop and frisk has been remarkably ineffective at their stated goal - illegal weapons are found less than 1% of the time - but it sure has

Oh, that took exactly two exchanges to get to the overt racism, Akata. I live in NYC. You know what stop-and-frisk accomplished? Fuckall. The violent crime rate was already going down before Obengraffenfuhrer Guiliani and Reichsmarshall Bratton doubled down on their broken windows model of social control/racist

Came here for the Huey Lewis ref, was not disappointed.  Take the star!

The biggest difference is that in the movie, the anti-vaxxers/anti-science folks and the government are not on the same team, and the government actually takes the threat seriously.  In real life... well...

Most criminal defendants take a plea bargain (~90-94%) because they can’t afford a sustained defense and they succumb to DA/cop intimidation. Even if you’re repped by an overworked PD*, you could be serving in pre-trial detention (if you can’t make bail), or unable to get steady work, or have to take time off from

It’s great that there’s something in life that makes this guy this happy. I used to train spot as a kid - my grandfather and his father were towermen for PennCentral (later Conrail, later Metro North), my dad was into model railroads. It’s funny how enthusiastic I was watching these humongous machines roll by.

You’re right, and I get that. For me the problem is that the police typically admit (in press releases and statements) “yes we shot this person until they were dead” or “yes we deployed crowd dispersement measures” so it’s not a contradiction? But yeah given how rabid PD unions are I guess it’s better not to invite

The police made a decision to stop someone for a bike violation(?), proceeded to escalate things, and shot them. These are the professionals, the folks who are supposed to be trained in public safety. The folks who take our taxpayer dollars. So yes, I absolutely blame them for failing to deal with this in a way that

“You get what’s coming” wins the bootlicker award. BTW, failure to obey a command by police is typically a misdemeanor. Next time you jaywalk, litter, fail to use a turn signal during a lane change, or commit any one of over a hundred offenses that could be considered misdemeanors (chances are you haven’t even heard

I will repeat my statement. The police are not the judges, juries and executioners (hence the Judge Dredd reference). Otherwise what you’re saying is that the police can open fire whenever they “feel” like someone is not complying (or complying sufficiently). Which is effectively what happens, but that’s not what is su

Maybe you’ve heard of due process?  Or do you think we live in the Judge Dredd universe?

On Monday, 29-year-old Dijon Kizzee was fatally shot by Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies.

Can we stop with the passive voice when it comes to police brutality?

X was fatally shot...
Y died after a police-involved shooting...
Z was shot and later died after an encounter with police...
There were clashes between

Bloomberg’s move (I lived thru his 2 terms plus the 1 he bought for funsies) had little to do with education and more to do with breaking the unions, privatizing education and making NYC more of a playground for rich white folks. Those “revitalized” schools were charters, which had a higher % of nonunion teachers and

Another “How Did This Get Made” fan!

OK boomer.