Arthur Vincie

Yeah, the nanobot aspect was pretty damn cool, and the revisit to the ‘84 film was nice (though it reminded me so much of how good T1 was). The 3D was done well (I don’t remember if it was converted or shot for 3D; either way it was well done). But yeah, somewhere along the way they lost the thread. Also Jai Courtney

There were one or two good chase/action scenes in Salvation, and I really liked Moon Bloodgood (she really stole every scene she was in). Every fifteen minutes or so I thought “okay, now we’re going to get to that sense of dread and ohdamnthatthingisn’tstoppable” but then a sense would end and the tension would drop

It has great moments, but it often can’t decide whether to go camp or full on violence mode. The PG-13 didn’t help. I really wanted Clare Danes to be the main character and not mopeyman Connor.

Say what? Soldier is awesome. And the Resident Evil movies have their charms.

The worst festival screening experience of my last feature film was at an otherwise really nice small sci-fi/fantasy/gaming con. The screening room was the hotel bar with two overhead TVs, connected via HDMI to a laptop running Quicktime. (1) The audio was coming out of two tiny USB speakers connected to the laptop

Davis is 100% right about this. This is a common Hollywood trope. Mississippi Burning, Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner, I’ll Fly Away, Dances With Wolves, To Kill A Mockingbird... not to mention sci-fi equivalent Avatar.

I don’t remember TBH. I wasn’t a huge fan of the film - I didn’t find their “inevitable” romance all that believable.  (Great cast, but some really weak writing).

He plays a creepy dude (who may or may not have murdered his wife) who hires Glenn Close as his defense attorney in Jagged Edge. The way he plays the role constantly keeps you guessing.

In all the stories (if I recall right) Hugh Grant is basically an asshole.

Gerrymandering, voter ID laws, and racism. Tack on misogyny, the 3rd party voters and NeverHillary DNC who stayed home or voted GOP (it has to be noted that the DNC folks who switched teams was about 8%, less than the 10% who switched from Hillary to McCain in ‘08).

While I’m not going to die on Hillary Hill (I think we picked the wrong candidate for the general) the data suggests that it was white middle class voters, a rung above working class voters, who voted for Drumpf.

Not when it’s demonstrably the greatest time to be alive as a corporation.

Also, once again the DHS proves itself out as a tool of white supremacy and GOP nastiness.

I loved the movie in many ways, and I love seeing Wolverine tear shit up as much as the next person, but I felt like the filmmakers more or less threw out the more interesting characters to focus on the most classically “masculine” hero.

Yes to all of your solutions! 

You deserve more stars for this!

How to get rid of the jackboots and their corporate overlords who are trying to exterminate most of us so they can establish their fascist white supremacist “homeland?”  I don’t think citronella candles will be enough.

That sounds great except you’re not factoring in Voter ID laws, jerrymandering, misinformation campaigns, massive dumptrucks full of money being spent on campaigning, poll closings/moves, mass incarceration, and other very active ways that the GOP has been engaging in for decades to disinfranchise voters - especially

Many people and organizations were railing against Obama’s policy, and Dubya’s policy, and Clinton’s policy, and Bush’s policy, and Reagan’s policy... this is an old problem with old roots and there have been generations of activists trying to get Congress and the government to move towards more a progressive and

This is for you and all the other “tehy broke teh law they muzt be punished” -