Arthur Vincie

Whatever works for your relationship, is great. But I already feel like we live in a Panopticon society - everything has a clock and a camera on it, every online vendor is saving my preferences and selling my online profile to someone else, the NSA is vacuuming up everything from all our phones and interactions, our

For me it’s the casting. Chiwetel Ejiofor can do existential drama and angst. Matt Damon looks like he’s just so fucking happy to be stranded on Mars with problems to solve. I thought Ejiofor should have been on Mars and Damon could have been Mission Control guy.

I basically don’t touch chat software at work. Every place I’ve worked at I’ve found a way to turn it off, keep my status message to “busy” by default, or otherwise wriggle out of chatting.

IMHO we are all too reachable as it is - work email, personal email, phone, personal phone, Skype, WhatsApp, text, not to mention

WHERE is the PC port? Damn it?

WHERE is the PC port? Damn it?

Yes. I did this about a week after my mom went into hospice care. I knew she wasn’t coming back so I wanted to deal with this while I still had the energy.

That’s true, and kudos to Apple (if in fact that’s true). But if they’re not storing it remotely that means that your phone becomes a receptacle of surveillance information, which of course the NSA and FBI and local law enforcement will want its grubby little fingers on it. This gives them one more “we need access to

Also, why do we need this in our lives? I’m not comfortable with the state of constant surveillance we already live with. I have a hard time seeing how this is any different.

It’s not a bad price - if it could function as a computer. It’s great for consuming information, getting maps and directions, watching stuff, pecking out the odd email or text, taking photos, listening to music. But coding, writing, in-depth media editing (photos, music, text, videos, etc.), and other things I (and

Also, everyone else either (a) pretended he wasn’t a bully (“oh, he’ll never win, he’s ridiculous”); (b) ‘told the teacher’ (“look at this thing he did, wasn’t it terrible”); (c) ignored him (even with mounting evidence of Russian collusion before the election); or (d) sided with him. What no one did was fight fire

Whoever wrote this doesn’t remember their childhood very well. Parents and teachers are busy, or they don’t remember themselves how terrified they were. Principals only see a problem and hope it will go away.

We don’t know what she went through as a teenager / young adult. I’ve seen up close how horrible people can be to anyone who falls outside a “norm.”

I think it’s important to examine one’s desires at least once in one’s life. A few of my friends decided to experiment with their orientation and/or practices - we were a bunch of geeky teenagers, and a few of us were already gay or bi, so “hacking/studying” sex on some level seemed to kind of make sense (though I’m

To all the “law and order” gung-ho types who seem really happy about this horrible situation I see below:

One of the best superhero movies ever made. “Super.” Directed by James Gunn - yes, Guardians of the Galaxy James Gunn.

Look, we had a primary and a general election where a majority of registered GOP voters decided that a loud and proud racist, sexist, xenophobic asshole who incited and encouraged violence at his rallies, was the man for the job.

Please don’t make false equivalences between White Supremacy groups and Antifa. Also, please don’t use retard. That is an offensive term.

Mine was Princess Leia and Wonder Woman (I was 7 when Star Wars: New Hope came out). Oh, and Mya from Space 1999.

So basically, “hi I’m so sorry, call me maybe, and I’m not going to actually offer you any kind of reparations or resign or sign up for therapy or do anything that would ACTUALLY show that I’m sincere in my apology but gosh I feel bad please forgive me so I can go back to being the dick I was 20 minutes ago before HR