Arthur Vincie

Basically, there are a number of military veterans who felt that there were terrible technical inaccuracies in the film, ranging from the uniforms being the wrong type for the time period (somewhat forgivable), to Anthony Mackie’s character being able to handle the .50 cal sniper rifle (apparently, that’s a whole

Basically, there are a number of military veterans who felt that there were terrible technical inaccuracies in the film, ranging from the uniforms being the wrong type for the time period (somewhat forgivable), to Anthony Mackie’s character being able to handle the .50 cal sniper rifle (apparently, that’s a whole

This is a big problem. The US military has a film program where they will make available locations and in some cases equipment, vehicles, and personnel... but they want some level of script approval first (basically, they don’t want you to make a film that makes them look bad). Needless to say, this is not cool, since

I can’t recommend the other two books enough. Adulthood Rites and Imago are both from her children’s perspectives, and are very different in terms of tone, how they portray humans and Oankali.

Hell yeah I love that movie!

I think of Katrina, when I hear phrases like “wait for rescue:”

Can’t you take the child back to IKEA for a refund?

Video calls take up too much headspace - and most days I don’t want to be focusing on how I look, what distracting crap is happening behind me, people walking past my cube, etc.

You’re right about that. I’ve definitely gone too far into the “work spiral.”

This is a great point, and you’re right, I didn’t really reach out to find good peers and mentors until later on. Thanks!

Truthfully, I don’t mind JT that much. He’s not Limp Bizkit-awful.

I feel like “Kid A” is an interesting, daring album... but “OK Computer” pretty much kills it. Experimentation + hooks? Got it. Great lyrics? Overarching theme? Incredible pacing? Yup yup yup. Sometimes I listen to Kid A and it all kind of blends together into mush; every song on “OK” asks you to pay attention to

James Taylor belongs here. His music is audio soporific disguised as music. It’s responsible for more car crashes than drunk deers.

That’s awesome that you’ve had good bosses that let you try things out (I should have mentioned that sometimes making mistakes can really cost at work). It really is awesome that you were summa cum laude - that takes a lot of effort and dedication - but yeah, I stopped even talking about going to film school after my

This was a long time ago for me (1994), but the first two years after college were definitely a learning experience. Here are some general and specific things:

I missed her cats, okay...

No, isn’t that cool! The only thing is having to buy the bags. And remembering to the actually scrape your food/coffee grounds/etc. in there.

NYC just distributed compost bins and are now collecting compost/food waste once a week. It was pretty sweet, actually - they distributed one outdoor can for the building, and one indoor can per apartment, plus a coupon for discounted bags.

This platform was ultimately swiped from Sanders’ campaign. At the outset of Clinton’s campaign, she basically wanted to be Obama 2.0 - let’s expand the ACA, we like the TPP, let’s put more work into Dodd-Frank, etc.

All of this. Many of today’s refugees are that way because of AMERICAN and EUROPEAN foreign policy, but because most of them are brown, their kids aren’t getting anything like this red carpet.