LR Discovery 1s and 2s had the big swinging barn door, it’s got zero benefits, and a whole lot of drawbacks. Don’t have 5' clear behind you? Tough break, hope you can get whatever it is you need by climbing over the back seat.
LR Discovery 1s and 2s had the big swinging barn door, it’s got zero benefits, and a whole lot of drawbacks. Don’t have 5' clear behind you? Tough break, hope you can get whatever it is you need by climbing over the back seat.
if you go into deep waters often, rear diff breather upgrade is a must. the stock breather is just a filter that sticks out of the diff. The upgrade just runs a hose to a higher location and can be easily done and relatively cheap
I can’t stand the door. It’s so you can put a canoe on the roof and still open the rear door. Overland shit.
The older SJ410s were different in a key few areas (narrower track/axles, frame rails, different t-case, etc), but the SJ413/Jimny/Samurai/et al used essentially the same bones from 1985-1995. Shouldn’t be any issues with fitment.
Replying to myself to mention that I left out the diesel swaps because I am, in fact, a dumb.
I dunno man.... I took paved public roads today to my six figure job at a company I own, which I was prepared for by a public education. Passed the police and fire department on the way. I breathed clean air and drank clean water from the tap. None of it is perfect, but it is.... something. Private corporations…
“Virtually unlimited” except, you know, the people walking by, cars driving by, and the row of cars opposite your spot which is often way closer than it should be.
I don’t think lexus would sell it to you with dry rotted tyres and half a tank of soured petrol
I don’t follow. If I tell someone my car is broken, they’re not obligated to give me money to fix it.
Whoah! Now this sharp-tongued, merciless take-down of a holy cow single-panel newspaper cartoon that’s been put of circulation for the last 25 years is the kind of relevant, hard-hitting, aggressive, take-no-prisoners media critique I’ve come to expect from AV Club! Take THAT, Gary Larson!
The One Where Joey Goes To Debtors’ Prison.
You do realize the monkey was only in the first season, and the show itself even mocked what a terrible idea it was a few times afterward?
Not really, but the whole “Ross’ attitudes toward homosexuality” thing was a throwaway line, like it is established fact
The gay panic jokes were Joey and Chandler and it was 1994.
I know it turned me off immediately, I wanted a show about old-time courting rituals from the 18th century, and this show just failed in every aspect of it.
AV Club. Don’t question. Just be assimilated
Ross’ attitude towards homosexuality?
How is Monica having sex with a dude because he says his dick doesn’t work a consent issue?
So, Joey fucked Chandler while Ross watched? And, Phoebe banged Monica AND Rachael with a strap-on?