Arthur Edens and His Bread


I'm only a law-talkin'-guy-in-training, but I just finished a course on Copyright, so I'll take a crack at this!

I read a piece that John le Carre wrote shortly after PSH's death. He mentioned visiting the set and hearing Hoffman's German accent. At first, he thought it was totally unlike any accent he'd ever heard, but by the end of the day, all of the real German actors sounded like they had phony accents compared to his. Such

Yeah, the little fella with the mustache!

Let's hope so!

Consider my words your motivation! Go see it, you'll have a great time!

This was such a super website! And I'm, I'm so lonely!

Ah, that's the spirit!

Still kicking! I miss my days of semi-regular AVC commenting, but school and life have kept me quite occupied during the past year. I do enjoy visiting though — it's nice to see the old gang doing so well!

Aw shucks, didn't anyone go and see Steve Jobs? I've been scanning the "Pop Culture Weekend" comments for weeks now to see if people are all abuzz about it, but alas, I guess that disappointing box office performance is indeed indicative of general apathy.

I'm going to end my many months of radio silence to extend the heartiest of CONGRATULATIONS!!!

The presence of Mr. McShane is exciting enough, but I'm also a big Tom Hollander fan. Rev is one of the warmest, funniest shows I've seen in the last few years. His character's little speech about bugs and death is guaranteed to make me a little misty-eyed.

I for one am loving the ongoing McRobbiesance. He's the sort of character actor that immediately improves anything he's in.

All summer, I've been slowly-but-surely working my way through Richard Ben Cramer's What It Takes, a 1,000-page epic about six of the men who had the vision/passion/obsession/foolhardiness to run for president in the 1988 election. It's a marvelous tome, and Cramer does an excellent job making each of his six subjects

"That makes me King Baudouin!"
- Moose Van Doren

Aw jeez, that's incredibly sad. I haven't posted much around these parts lately, but the news about poor Renaton cannot pass without comment.

Heh, my family's copy of Ghostbusters was also recorded off Disney Channel. Ghostbusters II as well!

He should have received some award just for the way he pronounced "era."

Bantha poodoo!

All I want is for Michael Sheen to play self-pitying CEO Tony Hayward.