Arthur Edens and His Bread

Chris Cooper and his wife came and spoke together at my college. They really were adorable, and delightfully unlike each other!

*titters nervously*

Thanks, Herb!

"That strapping young lad's gunning for your job!"

You might say the universe is a little wild, and a little strange …

Columbine is a gut-punch of a book. And you're right, tremendously enlightening.

The Power Broker, of course! Such magnificence!

I saw Interstellar in 70mm IMAX; I almost stood up and cheered when John Lithgow's character mentioned eating a hot dog at a ballgame.

No wonder he won Minnesota!

The West Wing unarguably had the biggest impact on me as a kid, and I love it today as I did then. I started watching during its first season, when I was at the impressionable age of 11, and it (along with the 2000 election) inspired in me a passion for politics and government that exists to this day.

"He should never be counted on to deliver long blocks of 'sincere' dialogue."

Yeah, as much as I like Keith David, I'm glad that Burns has more frequently been using Peter Coyote, who is a total natural with the material.

The only thing we have to fear is snark itself.

It's a Ken Burns documentary about the Roosevelts, which means ALL THE HOURS ARE WORTH WATCHING!!!

I watched Mac and Me only once, five years ago, and still feel traumatized.

Yeah yeah yeah, I've heard it, and it doesn't at all change my view.

On Friday, I saw John Williams and the L.A. Philharmonic at the Hollywood Bowl. This was quite a big deal for old Arthur - I've worshiped the man ever since I was a wee little film geek, waving a pen around as I pretended to conduct the theme from Star Wars, and this was the first time I've ever seen him in concert.

Does it???

That header image got a pretty big laugh out of me.

"I would not like to have seen Wyoming."