Arthur Edens and His Bread

Watch yourself, McCoy!

Bravo for the comment/username synergy!

I'd like to petition that "AUGH AUGH AUGH AUGH!" be recognized as the internationally accepted spelling of Tim Taylor's grunts.

Heh, I got a good laugh out of that line.

Jude Law's Karenin is matched only by Matthew Macfadyen's mustache.

"I would like to have seen a Wiki Wormhole about Montana."

About everything!

Johnny Sack is playing Menino! Inspired casting.

"But President Bull Moose, given the entrenchment of special interests and the influence of the meat-packing lobby, how are we ever going to pass the Pure Food and Drug Act?"
"Why, with a singing competition, of course!"

A Plugger knows how to deal with the moral arc of the universe.

Sigh, I should've known it was too good a story to be true.

The West Wing taught me that the eagle is supposed to face the arrows during wartime. Perhaps FDR's panel was added during WWII?

Bless your heart!

Just popping in to tip my hat in Will Harris's direction for this completely delightful interview! I once met John Lithgow and he was just the most gracious and pleasant person. Really comes through here.

It's the perfect crime!!

Bortman Johnson is right!

Do you think the retooling explains Mr. Whitaker's tonsorial adjustment in this new trailer? I'm expending a lot of energy pondering this …

I'm lucky if I finish an entire comme

That's a good question! Courts are generally hesitant to decide what is and what is not "good" parody (just as they are always hesitant to determine what is and what is not "art"). The most important parody case, Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, involved a rap parody of Roy Orbison's "Pretty Woman"; whether or not the