Arthur Edens and His Bread

Oh dear, thinking back to when I first learned this information, you may very well be correct, in which case perhaps I unfairly slandered the late president. But rather than retract my comment, I'm going to label you a rank Hayes-sympathizer and move on.

I saw All the Way in Cambridge, before it moved to Broadway, and got to meet Bryan Cranston after the show. I mentioned to him that I had just finished The Years of Lyndon Johnson, and he replied, "I hope Caro finishes the last book soon!" So it's not just us who are eagerly awaiting the final installment; Cranston is

Yeah, we did, but I find the calliope so amusing that I want more of it!

It might be interesting read Caro alongside Doris Kearns Goodwin's book, since it always seemed to me that LBJ worked his legendary magic and power of persuasion on her, resulting in a bio that is probably too flattering to the man, but valuable nonetheless.

Ah, very good then! But you're not far off, part of the fun is learning what a nasty bastard Old Lyndon was.

Caro certainly doesn't shy away from LBJ's myriad flaws as a human being, but I don't think it's fair to say that he's totally negative. Caro gives credit where it's due, especially in Passage to Power.

What's your favorite Nixon bio?

*rushes in breathlessly*

Totally agree. One season per book, or whatever, and I thought a different actor could play LBJ at each state of his life, anthology-style.

Gosh, Caro paints such an unflattering portrait of College Lyndon. Nobody liked the guy!

"Well … what the hell's the presidency for?"

While touring Walt Disney Studios a few weeks ago with some lawyers, I purchased one of those banthas. They are as awesome as you imagine.

This comment really made me laugh hard. Thanks!

He was also one helluva natty dresser!

Gosh, James Buchanan - now there's a piece of work. And I know this has no bearing on his policies or anything, but he had a really weird-looking head. And apparently it tilted to the side all the time.

My President's name is also Bort.

You make excellent points! And I'm certainly not prepared to say the Tilden Administration would have handled things better. It's more that Hayes's blithe satisfaction with his own performance as Commander-in-Chief rubs me wrong.

I have a book about the Presidents that titles the section about Wilson "Prophet Without Honor." I've always thought that was a pretty apt description.

I definitely miss him, because sometimes his pronouncements were so darned random. I remember he once mentioned that he hates Oliver Platt. Who could possibly hate Oliver Platt?!

Are you Elizabeth Warren?