Arthur Edens and His Bread

He also had a tee-totaling wife named Lucy who refused to serve alcohol to her thirsty guests. There was an old saying that, in the Hayes White House, the water flowed like wine.

By that time, it was impossible for the enemy to ketchup. They had to seed much of their territory.

Don't forget to buy some orange drink for the drive home!

Maybe next time we can learn about the Great Rand McNally Hamburger War. There were no survivors.

I had never heard of this horrible conflict before. Thanks for a great selection, Mike!

The Lobster War ended with a Retreat by our Dear friend Lobsters. He was Never seen Again.

If it's clear and yella, you've got juice there fella; if it's tangy and brown, you're in cider town!

I'm almost certainly in the minority here, but I actually would have preferred the original version of that joke, which used calliope music.

It's as if that song was written specifically for Weird Al to parody in that fashion. The syllables and rhymes just work out too perfectly.

If so, could Rembrandt confirm the condition of the sweet green icing?

Right you are, Archmage! It's the little things like that half-chuckle that make this show so darned memorable.

He's also afraid of Benjamin Disraeli, apparently. I remember an interview with Hugh Grant in which he mentioned that, during the filming of Love Actually, he chased Billy Bob around the 10 Downing Street set with a portrait of Disraeli, or some such thing.

It's a fun one! And gosh, if you like the Capra and Wyler material, wait till you get to John Ford's epic benders!

Have you read Mark Harris's recent book Five Came Back, Todd? The stories behind those two films are quite interesting, not only because Capra and Wyler had just gone into business together and made the movies simultaneously in an interesting partnership/rivalry, but also because the level of autobiography in both

"You keep running that mouth, I'm gonna take you in the back and CONQUER THE UNIVERSE!!!!"


"*laughs*"? I cry foul, we all know Rex Banner can't laugh, even when quoting someone!

Didn't Michael Conrad himself request that Esterhaus die during sex? Either way, the man was a gem.

"Hello, Roger."