Arthur Edens and His Bread

It's a bit chilly here as well! Might only get up to 68 today!

You'd do that to Don Corleone on his daughter's . . . wedding . . . day of his daughter's wedding?


Oh n-!


When I was a kid, I thought that commercial was saying "Lagarak."


I love that each comment is subtly different, like those cartoon puzzlers that accompany Slylock Fox.

Or there's the old Mo Udall line, which he said after losing his umpteenth presidential primary: "The people have spoken, the bastards."

I'm now imagining Mitt staring at a piece of paper with a tic-tac-toe game scrawled on it.

Boy, that was a great episode. I remember it ended with poor Joey nodding and smiling cluelessly, just as before.

Yeah, exactly. So many animated films of late fall back on the braying, patience-testing sidekick. It was very refreshing to have a comedic character who was low-key and pleasant.

I saw this here animated moving-picture yesterday, and I was astounded at how I didn't find Josh Gad's snowman annoying. In fact, his forlorn "I don't have a skull. Or bones." was one of my favorite lines!

This reminds me that I've yet to see Ken Burns's documentary on the subject. Nor have I read David McCullough's book! I feel like a lazy bum.

I just want to say, good luck, we're all— well, you know.

*Liked* for gratuitous old-timey capitalization.

I second Pairesta's sentiments, and welcome you back with a laurel and hearty handshake.

After being passed over for Wired, perhaps Robert Redford's cachet is now strong enough again that he can reprise the role of Bob Woodward.

Of course you forget, Lux, that he was present at an undersea, unexplained mass sponge migration!

This is a work of art. Thank you, Mr. Greene.