Arthur Edens and His Bread

Now that's interesting! I wonder if previously any other documentaries were nominated in the Foreign Film category.

Ha ha, "anchored"! (You're absolutely right, though.)

The Maersk frigate gave not one but two memorable performances this year! What a snub!

Indeed, this is one of those rare occasions where a performer is both long overdue and very much deserving of the award.

I went in with similar reservations about the story's accuracy, MagicRat, but then found myself becoming thoroughly enchanted by the film. I know it doesn't work for everyone, but damned if it didn't work for me!

Oh, yes, I agree - won't win, and actually, maybe doesn't deserve the win this time. It just pains my heart so to see his name there knowing that he'll once more go home empty-handed.

This is exactly how I felt about Lincoln last year, but unfortunately things didn't work out in its favor!

I hate to admit it, but every year I'm cognizant of this phenomenon, and yet every year I'm a perpetrator of it as well. It's a rather extraordinary feat that the Academy has managed to turn Oscar glory into a hurdle rather than an honor.


Especially since it means that Roger Deakins will have to lose YET AGAIN!

Prosky was a terrific character actor and had a helluva career. In addition to all the great supporting parts, he also originated the role of Shelly "The Machine" Levene on Broadway!

No worries, Scrawler! You've championed that book enough around these parts that I'm sure Ellen Raskin would forgive the oversight.

Heh, *liked* for the Patrick Leahy shout-out.

The lack of Westing Game on your list is quite unacceptable!


Good gracious, Mr. VanDerWerff, that Nixonland idea is fantastic! After reading Robert Caro's LBJ books, I had a similar thought - his life story might make for a compelling anthology series, with each season featuring a different cast and different time period.

She sure is! The cast is uniformly excellent.

It's very loyal to the original work in terms of content - Kushner himself adapted the plays, and though some material was excised, it's very faithful.

Angels in America actually aired ten years ago! Time flies, huh?