Arthur Edens and His Bread

P.I. Staker?!

Heh, yeah, I don't think I've ever seen so many questionable category determinations, but with nominees like that, I guess I can't complain!

The existence of The Croods still baffles me because the whole thing looked so, well, crude.

That's the spirit!

This is a minor observation, but I had no idea that John Williams composed the score for The Book Thief. I have no interest in seeing the film, but I still believe that a new Williams score is cause for celebration.

*insert obligatory "Psh, that Weeds knockoff starring Malcom's Dad? It'll never last!" comment*

I know, I'm surprised too! As Tity Boi mentions, the Comedy/Musical categories are filled with great films and great performances.

This is Peter McCallister, the father

Heh, I'd like to hear more about your frustration and obsession. Do go on!

Thanks for this wonderful piece, Pilot! These Nicktoons meant a great deal to me growing up, and it's great to see you explore them with so much affection and insight.


That scene is so batshit wonderful. Not only the creepy black-eyes shot, but also Waterston reciting "The Second Coming" and the conversation about flowers.

Yeah, no one Coen-howls like John Goodman.

Franko, let's be honest: EVERY film needs one!

I love this film. Its veracity is far from guaranteed, but it's such a big, messy, American epic that I can't help but enjoy every frame. The cast is packed with fantastic actors, and Stone manages to mold Nixon's life and career into a delightfully Shakespearean framework. And Hopkins is a fantastic Nixon - he even

All of my reading thus far this year has been material written before 2013, but I'm getting three new books for Christmas that I'm very very excited about: Donna Tartt's The Goldfinch, Eric Schlosser's Command and Control, and Doris Kearns Goodwin's The Bully Pulpit. It's going to be a very merry and very literate

Nighy's plot is certainly cynical, but the way it concludes is one of my favorite elements of the film. That Nighy chooses friendship over romance is a rather moving decision, and a rare one in most romantic-comedies.

Oh man, The Core is a great one. Best part is easily Stanley Tucci, who gives that material his all.

I clicked the link expecting and indeed hoping this would be the first comment. Thanks for not letting me down, Kotter.

"Hey Leo, ask me how long a Martian day is."
"No I don't think I will."