Arthur Edens and His Bread

Jesus, Miller.


I'd do this The Queen-style: focus on a small window of time - hell, one game! - and use it to explore Lombardi's personality that way.

Seriously, that guy's two-for-two right now. And I'd bet he'd do well with this material (I'm not sure why I feel that way, but I do!).

Saying whoopie pies are overrated? You must have a lot of MOXIE, ha ha!

AHAHAHAHAHA! I was inspired for some reason to revisit these comments. I missed this when you first posted it, but it sure made me laugh like hell today.

Apparently it's pronounced like Shane!

MagicRat got a bad feeling when little Studio 60 performed a mediocre Gilbert & Sullivan parody for his fifth-grade talent show.

I was almost named Cheyne, but was saved by my mom from the Australian surfing enthusiast that is my dad. I became particularly glad for this after 2000, as I assume many people would have called me "Cheney."

When I see that name I think of Secrets & Lies, cause I'm pretty sure every character in that film said "'Ortense" at least fifty times.

It was a small role, but I found his Edward McPherson in Lincoln to be quite memorable. He communicated more with his eyes and posture than most others might with any number of lines.

Ah, interesting. Thanks YOLO!

Yes, once.

Hello all, perhaps this comment will not be read anytime soon, and will instead rot away in the ground like poor Jimmy's body, only to be dug up in a couple years later and examined in detail, but anyway, I just finished Season 4 and have some thoughts.

"But is the FBI really in the habit of cleaning up after a multiple murder?"
"Yes! Why do you think it's run by a man called Hoover?"

Right back at ya, LJo!

Wait, what happened to Scott Tolzien? My mom's a Badger, so she was thrilled that there was not one but two NFL starting QBs from Wisconsin.


I won't lie, reading this made me feel quite warm and fuzzy inside.

Unless the Minneapolis Sound LP includes at least one Hubert Humphrey speech, I'm not interested.