Arthur Edens and His Bread

Ooooo, yes, that's a good point! I like it!

That's what I'm thinking too. Or maybe a "Best Performance in a Non-Traditional Role," or some such thing, that could include both voice and motion-capture performances, lead and supporting, male and female performers, and so forth. Just one category as a means of showcasing impressive performances that would

We can all only hope that someday the phrase "Oscar-winner Billy West" will be a reality.

"No good, it's full of steam!"

"I got the motive which is money and the body which is dead!"

Burl, I always knew you had the soul of a poet! Magnificent!

"Pretzeled bread" and "iced cream" are among my very favorite Burns-isms. Ahoy-hoy!

Thanks for that information, Mr. O'Neal! It's enlightening to hear the behind-the-scenes perspective to which all of us commenters aren't privy. I'm reminded of that old stage adage: it is not on the stage, no, but behind the curtains from whence the true magic of the theater lies, O, the magic! Or however it goes.

Ahahaha, thanks dude!

I've wondered for some time what the origin of this particular meme is. Does anyone know?

I just finished Season of the Witch, David Talbot's look at San Francisco in the 1960s and 70s. The material about the 60s - drugs, hippies, music, and so forth - was a bit scattershot, but once he got to the political intrigue and horror of the 70s, Talbot really hit a groove.

I just dug The Road out of the box of books I brought home after college. I imagine I'll read it soon - everything I've heard about it demands that I read it eventually.

I listened to The Casual Vacancy on audiobook, which was great, because it was read by Tom Hollander! You haven't lived until you've heard Tom Hollander sing-speak Rihanna lyrics.

Oh gosh, if I didn't like Weidman before, I'd certainly like him now.

"You can close the New York Stock Exchange."

It's time-travel fiction, Mr. Greene, embrace the implausibility!

Doris Kearns and Dick Goodwin actually helped King write that bit. If you're going to write an alternate timeline, might as well get the experts to help you!

Judkins, reading the four Caro books this summer was quite possibly the greatest literary experience of my life, so I fully and enthusiastically encourage you to read them as soon as possible!

John Aylward played Dean Rusk in the HBO film Path to War a couple years later, and he also did not use any accent. In fact, before reading your comment, I wasn't even aware that Rusk spoke with one!

If you choose not to doubt the Almighty Caro, then you must also accept his unequivocal assertion that LBJ was in no way involved with the assassination!