Arthur Edens and His Bread

Heh, I was going to quote that very line. So instead I'll go with "Have you ever noticed you park in the driveway but you drive to the movies in your car?"

I think my favorite part of the Commission is the sheer tonnage of star power they recruited for it. Seemingly every notable figure in aviation and space exploration was there!

I'm really looking forward to this. I read the section of Feynman's book that dealt with his Challenger experience, and even considered the Rogers Commission as the topic of my senior thesis, but the allure of Richard Nixon was just too great. (I bet I'm the first person in history to write that about Richard Nixon.)

Good gnus, everyone!

I loved that film just for how snide and sarcastic the writer-character was. Hilarious.

Oh gosh, I have VHSs of both that movie and its sequel sitting somewhere and gathering dust. They were gifts from a relative; I never watched them. Is the first one really that bad? I'm almost tempted to watch it . . .



That's not a bad list! I'm especially partial to The Milagro Beanfield War.

I remember sitting in my Algebra II class sophomore year when I heard music coming from another classroom. It sounded so damn familiar, but I couldn't place it. Finally, it came to me - it was the music from the end of Gallipoli. I remember being quite frustrated that some lucky students got to watch that fine film

During high school, my chemistry teacher said that we could watch Errol Morris's A Brief History of Time if someone rented it. I immediately went to Hollywood Video and brought it to class the next day. That's a great film.


Yup, you got it! It was great seeing the two of them back in action.

Heh, yeah. It would have been some performance had he played an octogenarian Vaudevillian! (Danny DeVito and Judd Hirsch essayed those roles.)

Ahaha, I got a good chuckle from this. Thanks LJo1!

"Boy, you got a nice healthy head of hair there, you know that? Look at that. It's like a pelt!"

"I'll have a vanilla … one of those vanilla bullshit things. You know, whatever you want, some vanilla bullshit latte cappa thing. Whatever you got."

I saw him in a production of The Sunshine Boys a couple weeks ago. He was very satisfactory!

Ahhh, I myself saw The Lion King at that very theater back in 2002! You can't beat the Pantages!