Arthur Edens and His Bread

A few books (The Bully Pulpit, The Goldfinch, and Command and Control are high on the list), a smattering of films perhaps, and most importantly, the upcoming Breaking Bad set. It comes in a barrel!

Ooooo, where are you seeing it?

Well, that's fine, Louis. We got arrested at night.

Well hot dog, looks like I'm in for a real treat!

Janosz Poha is the gift that keeps on giving. Quite possibly the most insufferable character ever committed to celluloid. And I mean that as a compliment!

And there was never any reference to this chicken business in the first film.

I'm glad to see some other people agree with me on this! I remember liking both Ghostbusters films about equally when I was a kid, and I still think II is a lot of fun. Dancing toasters! Jackie Wilson! The Scoleri Brothers! Peter MacNicol! What's not to like?

Not many people have basements in California.

Oh wow. Having read and loved Secret History a few months back, I had eagerly anticipated Goldfinch, only to beg off after seeing a few negative reviews (which was silly, I know). But after seeing your and E.Buzz's glowing words, I dare say I might need to give it a read!

I've been binging on Frasier lately and am just seeing this relationship for the first time. As much as I love Niles, as we all do, part of me agrees with you, especially after seeing Donny's memorable and tender proposal. (Saul Rubinek does great work with the character!)

Your Simpsons quote, sir.

BAH, I'm still peeved that Sam didn't end up with Mallory.

Ahhh, yes, that remains one of my favorite little monologues in the history of film.

HEH, this needs more likes.

Alf Clausen Appreciation Thread

That's my exact experience as well, Ghoulstick, right down to the abiding affection for JFK and its crazy luridness. Except younger me would have stormed off to watch Return of the Jedi rather than listen to gothy music.

Ooooo, that sounds great! I'll check it out.

Ahh, great story, Your Eminence. Thanks for sharing!

Yup! The National Film Preservation Act of 1988 calls for the identification, acquisition, and preservation of films that are "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant."