Arthur Edens and His Bread

I'm a little fed up with the conservative media narrative that suggests that Christie somehow persuaded women and minority voters to support conservative ideas. This isn't what happened - he didn't sell Republican ideas to voters, he positioned himself as a moderate (despite his desperate insistence to the contrary).

I got to spend a little time with McAuliffe when he visited my college, and he was hilarious. His outgoing personality may rub some the wrong way - I believe one of Cuccinelli's last ads painted McAuliffe as "obnoxious" - but it made for great conversation. And overall, he struck me as a passionate, decent guy,

Now I really, really want to play a Citizen Kane video game.

Her refrigerator was running?

"The Donaghys originally come from Ireland's County Steve, where historically we were whiskey testers and goblins."

"Y-you have ARRRRthritis?"

She claimed that she had not, but then Whittaker Chambers came on the show and said she was lying.

Ohhhh, you two got hitched? I knew you were engaged, but didn't know the deal had been sealed! In that case, and this might be a little late, but congratulations!!!


Aye, you speak the truth, Jean-Luc, which isn't surprising - any man who once had an avatar picture of Paul Tsongas would naturally have a pretty insightful view of the nineties.

Heh, yeah, same thing happened to me. I'd be fine with keeping the detailed "Who's Who" at the end, but when each person is first interviewed in each chapter, maybe a brief reference could be included. (This was done in Live from New York and was very helpful.)

I enjoyed the book for what it was - a chance to revisit some childhood memories and enjoy some fun stories. But my problem with it is the problem I have with most oral histories, which Thurm and Heller have highlighted: the lack of context and a unifying voice. I can't think of an occasion where I wouldn't rather

I was never a huge fan of Figure It Out, though I did chuckle when Mike O'Malley asked one of the kids if she was, or had ever been, a member of the Communist Party.

*impressed applause*

Let go! That's the chaaahter!

Mono — d'oh!

Only if you can churn out a couple short stories too!

Definitely! Despite whatever moral qualms Mr. Ameche may have had, he delivered that line with full gusto.

And by the end of the film, Don Ameche has delivered the best "fuck him!"

Terriers's ratings are far too low to make an effective demonstration, but don't worry, we'll deal with your cult favorite soon enough.