Arthur Edens and His Bread

Indeed! Both films were on TV last night, and I was reminded once again that they were impeccably cast.

Cara mia . . .

I had my first Toffifay just the other day - not bad, not bad at all!

I love that after the "penis breath" line, the Mom yells, "Elliott!" as it to chastise him, but she's cracking up too, cause c'mon, it's funny!

Yeah, my Dad's British and was so excited when he found them at a specialty store, but I took one bite and felt my taste buds being assaulted by an unholy mess of flavor.

Ooooh, is that what Norman was always snacking on? I didn't know! That's a great detail.

I was tempted to buy some Necco wafers recently out of pure curiosity, but decided not to. I heard on NPR that for years, people would toss Necco wafers in toll booths on the east coast, and it worked (until they changed the apparatus). The person telling this story was the President of Necco; he seemed delighted by

Heh, I thought of that too - I love that bit.


He forgot his mantra!

Fred Gwynne or GTFO. (I actually haven't seen the first adaptation, but after reading the book, it seems like Old Man Gwynne is the only actor who could do the part justice, ayuh.)

"Which is a pity, as I've often found the real story of any given historical event to be even more fascinating than the popular myth."

I always love hearing about you JFK assassination collection, Josey. It sounds absolutely fascinating.

Noooooo! Call in sick or play hooky or something, they can't do it without you!

I saw A Man For All Seasons for the first time recently, and I loved Davenport's Duke of Norfolk. Prickly yet loyal, with a decency different from More's but not incompatible with it.

While perusing the late Mr. Davenport's filmography, I discovered that he played Van Helsing in a version of Dracula in which the eponymous vampire was played by . . . Jack Palance. Huh. Didn't see that one coming.

I for one can't wait for the discussion of the Hey Arnold! Thanksgiving special! It has such a great melancholy about it, not to mention a pretty poignant message about family and tradition. Very memorable!


Dick, I've searched long and hard for that sport coat, to no avail. If I ever see one somewhere, you better believe I'll buy it.

I wish I could *like* this a thousand times.