Arthur Edens and His Bread

NICE. I will avoid the link just on case, but AWESOME, you've given me something to look forward to.

My sister still has a monkey-phobia because of Outbreak. Needless to say, she didn't like Marcel very much.

Mammoth Tusk!

I was looking forward to this - Supreme Court movies are rare, and the each Justice here is played by a pretty great actor - but I imagine it doesn't focus nearly enough on the Justices' personalities and views. History has given the filmmakers nine fascinating, idiosyncratic men and an interesting legal issue for

I would, as they say, watch the everloving shit out of that show.

I would never have been able to resist that urge! One of my new life-goals is to give David Costabile an awkward-stranger hug.

This guy has become one of my favorite character actors, and it's no wonder - he's been involved in amazing projects and he never disappoints. Awesome interview, Erik!

"Who's the best President you ever saw?"

Didn't David Duchovny play Officer Tippit in that movie?

"And then I, and then I been workin' on Elementary for a few years now."
"Well, that's a good series!"
"Yah, if you're an actor, yah, you could do a lot worse."


I too am thoroughly excited by this!

These pun threads really make a Splash.

What kind of black magic is this?!

I'm more excited for the Douglas Ginsburg movie that Harry Potter is in. We haven't had a good failed-Supreme-Court-nomination film in a while!

I'm sure he'll be flattered that you spent so much on him!

Luckily, it was only a two-minute song. A mean, mean, nasty song.

When I was a wee lad, but older sister would taunt me with the Olsens' "Brother for Sale." It made me very sad.

Ooooh, that sounds marvelous! I don't know too much about Byrne, but I'm fascinated by the fact that four years after her historic win, she was reduced to the role of just another party hack and became the victim of someone else's even more historic win!

Hat, your comment made me laugh myself silly.