Arthur Edens and His Bread

I still haven't upgraded beyond iOS 5, dagnabbit!

Congratulations, old sport! Splendid news.

I'm afraid I'm not in much of a position to comment on grad school, as I'm just starting down that path myself, but I would love to know more about your play! Does it focus on Ms. Byrne?

Didn't Joseph Heller already corner the market on this?

I'll send you to Ireland!

One of the least satisfying finales for me, especially considering how eagerly I was anticipating it, was The West Wing's. The show never reached soaring heights after Sorkin left, but still, to start the episode with President Bartlet making a glaring factual misstatement (that the Founding Fathers scheduled the

I'm eating breakfast! Funny how the world works, what with time zones and the like.

I'm at my parents' house for Halloween this year and I'm looking forward to handing out candy, mostly because I intend to wet my beak and skim a little off the top. Cost of doing business, folks.

When I was in kindergarten, my parents gave me a placemat with the Presidents on it. Every morning as I ate my Cheerios, I'd look at their names and faces, thus beginning my lifelong love of politics and government.

Candy Corn is my favorite wax-based treat.


I can answer that - he's appearing in a three-hour play in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and there was a matinee on Sunday. I imagine he hopped on a plane and just made it in time for the party!

That's CRAP, Weasel! The film is far superior to the book, cause every character in the book is a jerk.

Is that the great Larry Hankin perched above Aaron Paul in the group shot? His appearances on the show were wonderful.

Knowing my technological ineptitude, I'd probably end up blurring Cranston's face and pasting my name and Social Security number on my own!

That's an easy one - Walt danced around outside the bar like a madman for several minutes before the cops arrived, thus leaving behind a plethora of footprints that flummoxed the Granite State's finest.

True, perhaps Walt does underestimate the difficulty involved, but he does know that Gretchen and Elliot will do everything humanly possible to clear those obstacles, lest they end up victims of those amazing hit men!

But then wouldn't she basically be forced to confess what happened, eventually? Given Lydia's reticence, maybe she'd choose death-by-diarrhea rather than exposure.

I wonder if she knew that Todd licked the lipstick off her used tea mug.

You touch on one of the things I like most about the series - despite it's grand-scale symbolism, it's a show set on a very small, personal level. It isn't The Wire or The West Wing; it isn't a show about governments or institutions or society, at least not explicitly. It's about a regular guy in a regular house in a