Arthur Edens and His Bread

I actually like not knowing the details of their relationship, because it leaves us in a rather uncomfortable position: do we choose to side with these characters we barely know, or with ego-deranged Walt?

After this stunning finale, I didn't think my evening could get any better. Then I read Donna's review - knocked it right out of the park.

I still can't believe just how well Gilligan & Co. pulled that off. Justice was most certainly done, and yet it was as close to a happy ending as is possible for the show. As such, I loved it.

The fantasy/memory sequence made me think that while Jesse failed Mr. White's chemistry class, I bet he excelled in shop class. Ultimately, the latter probably would have yielded a more agreeable career.

I also visited JFK's birthplace in Brookline - yet another amazing thing that can be done in Boston!

Know what? I bet Lydia hated the Muppets. She probably found them frivolous.

This past week, I journeyed back to my old stomping grounds in Cambridge to visit friends and see Bryan Cranston in All the Way, a new Robert Schenkkan play about the first year of Lyndon Johnson’s presidency. Cranston played the hell out of LBJ, and it was great to see veteran character actor like Michael McKean and

Yeah, that's a name straight out of the Coens playbook.


Total silence.

I actually think that's the exact reason the Coen Brothers have given.

Darned tootin'.

Oh for Pete's, of course they do!

Apparently, Peter Stormare thought this was a typo in the script, so when filming the scene, he said, "Where's the pancake house?" The Coens immediately stopped him and confirmed that the line was, in fact, "Where's pancakes house?"

"Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Jesus Christ!"

Todd, do you have many recollections of Capital News? It was before my time, and there's not a trace of it on the Internet that I've seen, which is too bad because good or not, it had a pretty stellar cast.


Yeah, exactly @avclub-d7b683529752a4d24d84c4941861a363:disqus. I didn't live through the Kennedy Assassination - and I'm very glad for that fact - but as someone with a strong interest in the event, it was rather thrilling to see it brought to life so believably.

Can you believe that! Remember when E.T. would say your name at the end? Sigh. (I believe the ride is still functional over at Universal Studios Orlando, though.)

I believe you mean, Peeeeeeeeeeeeeter Sagal!