Arthur Edens and His Bread

"He's taken a interest!"

I went back to Universal Studios Hollywood this summer for the first time in years, and boy howdy, is it ever disappointing to see how things have changed. It was bad enough when the E.T. ride got ditched for a so-so roller coaster, but now they replaced Backdraft with some kind of 4D Transformers malarkey! Boo-urns.

Not yet, but it's at the top of my queue, so I imagine I'll watch it soon. I've heard good things about the movie, so I'm quite excited!

Oooo, thanks for the recommendation!

@avclub-9349e20458f64c9bfb83b5221e145937:disqus: Yeah, that part of it was really stupid, no question.

My deepest congratulations, Lieutenant! You will no doubt raise Baby Broccoli well, what with your encyclopedia Simpsons knowledge and general awesomeness.

Yeah, I love the stylistic departures Demme took with Rachel. Guess you can teach an old dog new tricks!

Speaking of Clue, Scrawler, did you see the wonderful retrospective that Buzzfeed put out a few weeks back? (I know how odd it is to use "wonderful" and "Buzzfeed" in the same sentence, but it really was quite enjoyable!)

I hope the combination of antibiotics and Simpsons references bring you quick relief! I'll also add my best wishes for a speedy recovery.

I finished The Name of the Rose. It was wonderful, just like many of you said it would be! I really loved all of the theology and history that Eco included. He blended it all together so well that it never felt unwieldy.

I am still stunned by how amazing those character designs are. The detail on the animals is nothing short of mesmerizing. I'd never seen such quality outside of a Pixar film before.

You're right - those are ideal Zodiac conditions.

The Kennedy episode is great if for nothing else than Roger's half-hearted attempt to salvage his daughter's wedding. You can tell that he knows how futile an exercise it is.

Yeah, The League far too often celebrates bro-culture (I hate that I just typed that phrase) when it could be - and should be - skewering it.

I'm just glad they had a microphone tall enough for him to use.

I actually appreciated the attention paid to television's role in the Kennedy Assassination and its aftermath (the idea that TV helped the nation mourn is quite accurate). It was a huge moment, both in the history of television and the history of the nation, and it was appropriate to acknowledge the 50th anniversary.

We all know how Gyp Rossetti would have handled that situation:

The Daily Show won each year for the past decade!

What bums me out is that Jeff Daniels seems like a great guy, and he's got a good thirty years of wonderful and memorable performances under his belt, and now he'll receive quite an unfortunate backlash.

My issue with Sam is that, in an Aaron Sorkin series of all things, he manages to be the most self-righteous character, which always made him a little less interesting to me, and made his decency somewhat more cloying. That's why my favorite Sam moments are the instances when his armor falls and his arrogance and