Arthur Edens and His Bread

I'll actually be seeing him in a play, but your idea has captured my imagination . . .

I'm off to Boston next week! And actually, a week from now at this very moment, I'll be like ten feet away from Bryan Cranston. I must try to contain myself.

Yeah, I've been to the Capitol a couple times recently, and I can't recall seeing his, which is a shame.

@avclub-4a51fda79bbd54b4e7327dd6559b6c4d:disqus fail English? That's unpossible!

@avclub-71289f361df2d092ca1b768e85a33325:disqus, seeing you here makes me feel like Lucille Bluth. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH MR. ELLSWORTH!!!"

Exactly - which I'd say also describes the Cornetto films as well!

Uh, that's the umbilical cord.

The A.V. Club
See you, g- . . . nahh, too easy.


My alma mater isn't exactly known for athletics (though apparently we have more Division I sports teams than any other school! They're just not that . . . successful), so my household cheers for my mom's school - Wisconsin. Needless to say, their last game was frustrating.

I have several friends who claim to "hate puppets," Muppets included. I don't see how anyone who has witnessed a good Kermit flail could ever feel that way.

This is not workplace-related, more general grousing (grousing's a great word, isn't it?), but my law school applications are more or less ready to go, but I'm waiting on letters of recommendation. I know they'll get done, but it's the one component of the process that's basically out of my hands, so I'm stuck playing

Bravo, Lieutenant! I hope the little one truly is the catch of the day, arrr.

I, um . . . I ordered an interactive Tribble last night from ThinkGeek. I'm inordinately excited.

Extraordinary, Inspector! Good luck!!

I still get so damned upset during awards shows. It's the silliest thing, but I just can't help myself. I was hoping I'd grow out of it, but nope, still care too much. GRRRR LINCOLN WAS ROBBED ETC.

Hero, was your ex Frank Booth?

Yeah, I think @avclub-ca81034275abbf70d907ff05dcccb8ad:disqus is right. And I don't think we've heard the last of whomever completed the hit.

Totally, the utter weariness he brings to the delivery is priceless.

I remember a commenter once remarking that the brilliance of Michael's take-down is that it just keeps going on and on. He could have stopped in any number of places, but more and more nasty words just keep pouring out.