Arthur Edens and His Bread


Sigh, that seems likely, but then again, we already saw Eddie in mortal peril last season. Would the writers go down that road again?


I like the way this @avclub-6850dfd7cf5a46634b94c8c1f07e7340:disqus thinks!

I believe they intentionally outfitted Fillion in a suit that was a couple sizes too big to make him look even dopier.

I think Nucky is still on somewhat shaky ground after the events of last season, right? The peace involving Rothstein, Masseria, and the others is still tenuous, and heck, even the Mayor tried to stiff Nucky. I don't think he's in as strong a position as he was previously.

"Find your humanity, Walt. Find your humanity."
"Where? Where?"
"This is just your memory. I can't give you any new information."

Yeeeah, I know, I just . . . I just miss Gale, y'know?

I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

I have a friend who worked on the House floor during the late 90s. Traficant, upset about some perceived slight or whatever, would constantly come stalking up to him and threaten to cut his balls off. It happened so frequently that eventually my friend advised Trafricant to just make a slashing motion from across the

Very well said, Miller.

For being such a tough little nugget, Norris can portray such palpable vulnerability and anxiety. His work this season has been tremendous.

Imdb had listed Kathryn Ritter and David Costabile as appearing in this episode. Does anyone know if there were originally going to be additional flashbacks or some such thing? I was hoping Jane and Gale would make one last appearance.

Doc Narcisse? Libyans? I think we'd best prepare ourselves for Boardwalk to the Future.


Hmmm, that's a good point. I love the Grant Wood spareness of the farmhouse and pastoral scenes, and the Edward Hopper look of some of the dingy dives and stores, but you're right, the Boardwalk itself should be brighter and flashier.

Maybe he's like Dr. Zoidberg and it's in Art History.

Lux, you're a national treasure, pure and simple.

I can't decide which is my favorite line of the night: the Mayor's awkward groundbreaking conclusion ("Under the eyes of a merciful God!") or Van Alden's "OH MY!" upon seeing the davenport.

Maybe it's because that bearded guy reminded him of Jim Beaver. I wouldn't have been able to pull the trigger on a sort-of-Ellsworth.